Another update to Google Docs and Spreadsheets

Google Docs & Spreadsheets Bravo to Google for updating Docs & Spreadsheets with a refined interface and a few new features.  Now there is a sidebar with folders for organizing and easier visual queues to where your documents are.  Another new feature is the ability to sort documents by collaborator.  This is a great enhancement for multiple users, where they would like to view documents based on who created or edited them.  Finally, an enhanced search feature with auto-complete is included.


Check it out!

Via: Google Press CenterGoogle Docs & Spreadsheets matures with a fresh new face

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GMail on your BlackBerry

GMail for BlackBerry According to the logon screen for my hosted GMail services, Google now has support for BlackBerry devices. If this supports push email from the GMail account it’ll be pretty cool.

Can’t wait for Google to come out with something like this for Windows Mobile. With Windows Mobile 6 supporting push email from Windows Live and Yahoo, it shouldn’t be too long for Google to come up with a push method for GMail. (I Hope).

jkOnTheRun: Impressed with Google Reader

Google Reader RSS Feed Reader Aggregator Congratulations to James Kendrick who has moved over to Google Reader from Onfolio.  GR is really one of the best-done online feed readers (the best IMHO), with simple easy to remember/use keyboard shortcuts, lightweight AJAX interface that is quick to render, and the ability to mark items for future reference.

Another feature that I’ve been using for a few months is the Shared Items feature that allows you to mark posts/articles that should be shared for someone reading your Shared Items to view.  Nifty little thing that you can link to from your blog so people can read the same sources that you do!

After reading how well GR works on a Tablet or UMPC, I really need to check one out.  Definitely on my “short list” of to do’s!

Via: jkOnTheRunUsing Google Reader and impressed

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