A Google Phone?

Interesting information that Om Malik has dug up.  If this is true, it may turn out to be a very interesting device for the mass market.  Google has a history of focusing on simplifying the user interface and making it easier for the average consumer.

I’ll sign up to try a device from Google.

Via: GigaOM – Forget iPhone, Think Google Phone

GMail & Spam

Has anyone else noticed an increase in the amount of SPAM that doesn’t get filtered out by GMail’s junk email filters? It seems to be getting worse – of course not to the extent of an unprotected POP3 account, but it is noticeable.

Rate your Junk Email experience with GMail recently:


Just curious.

Google Reader – Rick’s shared items

I finally got a chance to start using the “Share” feature in Google Reader.  Its very cool, when you share a story/post from a feed in Google Reader, it is added to you’re Google Reader Link Blog.  Mine is located here.

It’s impressive, because it pulls the full post from the original site, and adds a line below the title crediting the original source.  Very neat and very simple.

The  great part of something like a link blog is that you can share what articles and blog posts that you think are interesting.  These shared articles are presented in a simple blog format that changes as often as you want it to.

If you’re currently using Google Reader, start sharing the articles and posts of interest to you – they will automatically be added to your own link blog that you can point your readers to.  Do you have a link blog?  If so, share the URL here, it’d be great to see what others are reading.

Link: Rick’s shared items

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Still can’t beat Google Reader

I’ve been trying the RSS reader in IE7, Onfolio, Firefox, and others for the last day or so. I keep coming back to Google Reader.

You can’t beat it’s simplicity, speed, and ease of use. There are more features in a number of readers, but all I need is to have an aggregator that simply lets me read the news that I’m interested in as quickly as possible. I also can manage one OPML list and access it from anywhere. Nothing else compares in the same way.

Combine GReader with hosted GMail, and Docs & Spreadsheets, and a common login. This makes all these features of Google work well together. Yes, they need more integration work, but that will happen over time.

I’ve yet to try the rating or sharing features, but will get to those soon. They look fairly interesting, and may be of use linked from my blog.

Give GReader a try!

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Google Office – Part VVI

Google Docs & Spreadsheets Ok, I’ve not talked about the Google “Office” lately, but it sure has gotten coverage lately.  Its good to see that Google has paid more attention to some of their ongoing projects.  With the level of quality Google Docs & Spreadsheets and Google Reader are approaching, I really have to think about going all-web again.

I’ve been using Writely, the service that became the docs part of Docs & Spreadsheets, since about March of this year and am very impressed with the capabilities of online software.  With Writely, I wrote letters, blog posts, reviews, a resume draft, taken notes, and many other documents.  Some I saved as .DOC files, some I printed directly from the service – the point is that the service did everything I needed in a basic word processor, and stored the file for me!

Good stuff, if your looking for simple online tools, check this out.  But also take a good long look at ZoHo Office, which offers docs, spreadsheets, presentations, collaboration and much more.

Google Blog: Better together: Docs & Spreadsheets

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