Mar 3, 2007 | blog
I’m testing BlogJet to see if it works better with the XHTML requirements of the theme I’m now using. While I may have only heard of BlogJet in passing previously, James Kendrick over at jkOnTheRun has recommended it in a post or two, so I thought I’d check it out.
Pretty nifty tool so far, I just hope it actually generates clean XHTML compliant output. I’ll give it a try for awhile (the 30 day trial period) and see if it does the job.
Technorati Tags: jkOnTheRun, BlogJet
Mar 3, 2007 | blog
I’ve got the sidebar issue figured out! It was improper XHTML validation, meaning that I had some syntax issues in several posts. Still do one some I’m sure – I only fixed the one’s that were on the front page so it would work. I’m sure if a person drilled down into posts from a few days to a week ago the sidebar will drop down below the posts.
What? You’re wondering what caused this? I was too! My culprit was Windows Live Writer adding some “unclean” XHTML definitions when using certain features that made WLW really useful. So I’m back to writing my posts in the browser again for the time being until I figure out if it was my tag-insert plugin or something deeper in WLW.
It’s late and I need to sleep. Later!
Feb 26, 2007 | blog
This post over at ZDNet by Dan Farber is a great synopsis of the current state of blogging. While starting out about a chance encounter with Dave Winer and the realization that Dave has been blogging for a decade, it morphs into a quick take on where blogging has gotten to at this time.
Talking about the trials and triumphs of bloggers with the mainstream media outlets, Dan correctly points out that the whole environment will sort itself out over time. Just like any disruptive technology, blogging is mainstream for Internet users and the “traditional” media sources will find their way to work with the new medium.
Via: Between the Lines – Reflections on the first decade of blogging
Technorati tags: Decade of Blogging, Dave Winer, Dan Farber
Feb 23, 2007 | blog
Mark has a great post questioning the statistical consistency of various ranking sites. He points to a report by VentureBeat that details findings from Quantcast, Alexa, Google Analytics and Compete on how they track traffic patterns.
It really is detrimental to the growth (and the maturation) of the blogosphere to not have a consistently accurate method for tracking sites. Without a common reference, each tracking service is all over the map and anyone can simply pick the rank they prefer, rather than getting any kind of accurate data.
Via: Mark Evans – Let’s Have Some Statistical Consistency
Feb 17, 2007 | blog
Yep, it’s been a full year since I launched this blog, finding WordPress, getting my domain set up and diving headlong into the blogosphere. I’ve not been blogging just for a year – this effort was a culmination of three previous blogs. I had previously used MSN Spaces, Blogger, and – all are still online.
When I found I could host my own WordPress software on a hosting service and customize my own site – that was the shit. So here I am a year later, still working on finding the “line” if you will. Sometimes I’m not sure if people want to hear what I have to say, but at the same time, I’m glad to have the platform available to vent on. I had been planning on some kind of post about my first anniversary here, but I’ll just leave it as something simple.
Just glad to have peaked today to make sure it was the actual date!
Link to Welcome to!