Site icon Rick Mahn

Hi there – getting back

Hey there! Yeah, I’m still around. I’ve had a heck of a down week this past week. It started out just fine, got back from a great little weekend getaway with the family and started the week just fine. Got out on Tuesday and voted, but that’s about where it ended.

I’d spent the rest of the week trying to work through one heck of a nasty cold. Finally here on Sunday, that’s really lifting. I usually don’t get the common stuff that floats around, including the flu – but this one got me real good. Oh well, it’s about done and I’ll be getting back to business this coming week.

What’s been fun though was meeting more great people involved in social media here in Minneapolis & St. Paul and helping them get connected and able to meet each other. I wish them well as they work on the ideas and projects they create together – fun stuff.

I’ve been wondering about this recent meme on the death of blogging. What rubbish. A great way to drive traffic though – which is what those kinds of memes are for anyway. Though I will admit that all the social sites have diluted the waters of the blogosphere and have pulled many bloggers off their game and kept them from focusing on their goals. I know, I’ve let that happen here as well.

Ok, that and work – having to keep up with a full-time consulting gig at a fortune 100 company can really take up a significant portion of your time. However, that’s all good, should be getting better too I would hope.

Anyway, I just wanted to check with folks and let you know I’m around, a quiet mainly because of time constraints, but still here. Drop a line if you’d like and let me know what you’re up to.

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