Random Tidbits – Catching Up

So it seems that I’m constantly talking about blogging rather than actually doing it. A lot has been done since my last post where I talked briefly about changing hosting providers (here’s my InMotion Hosting review) and getting that work done. Along with this site, I had three others to move over. That’s been done for a while, and I’m pretty pleased with the service so far.

The challenging thing is making time to get back to writing, sharing thoughts and ideas through this blog. That, of course, is where I’ve let work and life pull me in multiple directions. As usual, one of the first things that’s affected when too many tasks and projects demand more time are activities that don’t seem to support those task and projects. So it is with my blog from time to time.

It’s been a busy couple of months, and I’m finally catching up on a number of life challenges that randomly occur, especially with the economic changes that have been in play.  So while I am saying I’m returning to blogging, I am certainly going to be working my way back into it.  Easing my way really, building new habits into the days and weeks ahead instead of setting a hard schedule that would inevitably not follow.

Also, I plan to include a bit more personal experiences and items of interest rather than just talking about social media in business. That is still my core focus, but I believe there’s more in that by getting back to some of the original reasons I started blogging… as an outlet and ongoing record of creative ideas and points of view.

All in all, it’s been a long time since I’ve sat down and really thought about blogging again, and I hope to reconnect with those that wish to do so.  Some say life is about challenges, but I prefer to look at it as a series of adventures.  Each one building on the experience of the last.

So, on to the next adventure.

Photo credit: Hugh MacLeod – gapingvoid

Cross Country

Southern Wisconsin It’s amazing, sometimes, how easily we forget how big, how expansive our country is. The time it takes to drive across one state or another is not inconsequential and each time the scenery is worth paying attention to. The diversity of the landscapes always impresses me.

From the sweeping agricultural plains to the industrial and commercial centers of urban life, to the majestic mountains or coastline it never ceases to teach. Every trip I take, I learn something new. Either about the area I’m visiting, or the region I’m traveling through, the history and culture of the area presents a new opportunity to learn more about my fellow countrymen. It gives me a better idea of how the things I do fit into the world, and how we all relate to each other.

View from The County Line BBQ - Austin, TX The other thing is the opportunity to travel across rather than over. While flying is faster, it’s certainly not rewarding. The hassles of security stops and checks is inconvenient, especially with the false sense of security it provides. Traveling on the road can be much more rewarding if you have the time. You get to see the country, meet the people, and experience the contours of the land, something that’s lost at 40,000 feet.

Another perspective is the people. You learn so much from the characters you meet and where they’re from. It can help look at things from another angle and learn what kinds of perceptions exist and why. These help us build better products and provide better services. Not just because they’re cool, but because they are useful. Because people need or want them.

The Donut Whole - Wichita, KS I write this on the return leg of a road trip to South by Southwest (SXSW) in Austin, TX. Over a week on the road getting a full dose of fresh perspective has reset my direction and attitude. The results are the only thing left to focus on, and I need to thank this experience and the trip itself for the bulk of that new thinking.

Have you done a long distance road trip lately? What have you learned that can help others?

2009 – The Long Road

Its been a long time since I really posted a personal post on what really is a personal blog.  I’ve been wondering why that’s the case, and I’m sure you have too.  Honesty I don’t know that is, but I do want to figure it out.

2009 has been a wild ride for me, with many highs and luckily only a few lows.  The rapid and exciting growth of SMBMSP here in Minneapolis & St. Paul has been rewarding, yet stressful.  The work at Land O’Lakes as their Social Media Strategist is similar but for vastly different reasons.  The amount of work involved in each is daunting and keeps me engaged.  For that I’m grateful.

On the personal side of things, life has again been good though recently my wife has started having some heart palpitations that have me worried.  It’s worse for me because I just don’t know all the medical things that go on or what they mean.  Yeah, I’m a pretty typical male when it comes to medical things – just don’t pay attention as well as I should.  We’re still finding out more about this and it’ll be a learning experience as we adapt to new lifestyle needs.

I’ve been quiet around here for awhile, and I don’t have a reason or message as to why.  This year has been a challenge and I neglected making the time to share information and ideas.  The past week, I’ve started posting on my Happiness series again.  Mostly because of recent events, but partly because I liked them so much.  They have little to do with social media in business, which is where my specialty in social media is going, but proved to be an important part of my inspiration in 2008, so they’ll be making a comeback.

Overall, I’m looking forward to the next couple months.  More writing is on my todo list, but more important is taking things to the next level.  I guess that’s what I’m here to invite you to do as well.  Its time to make the next step on all levels.  Enough of working within the confines of the current norms.  Are you ready to step up the pace?  Ready for the challenge?  I hope you join me on the journey as we plan for and enter 2010.  I hope to share a few new and exciting things in the coming weeks as we close out this year, and begin to cap off the decade next year.  Until tomorrow my friends.

Hi there – getting back

Hey there! Yeah, I’m still around. I’ve had a heck of a down week this past week. It started out just fine, got back from a great little weekend getaway with the family and started the week just fine. Got out on Tuesday and voted, but that’s about where it ended.

I’d spent the rest of the week trying to work through one heck of a nasty cold. Finally here on Sunday, that’s really lifting. I usually don’t get the common stuff that floats around, including the flu – but this one got me real good. Oh well, it’s about done and I’ll be getting back to business this coming week.

What’s been fun though was meeting more great people involved in social media here in Minneapolis & St. Paul and helping them get connected and able to meet each other. I wish them well as they work on the ideas and projects they create together – fun stuff.

I’ve been wondering about this recent meme on the death of blogging. What rubbish. A great way to drive traffic though – which is what those kinds of memes are for anyway. Though I will admit that all the social sites have diluted the waters of the blogosphere and have pulled many bloggers off their game and kept them from focusing on their goals. I know, I’ve let that happen here as well.

Ok, that and work – having to keep up with a full-time consulting gig at a fortune 100 company can really take up a significant portion of your time. However, that’s all good, should be getting better too I would hope.

Anyway, I just wanted to check with folks and let you know I’m around, a quiet mainly because of time constraints, but still here. Drop a line if you’d like and let me know what you’re up to.

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