Hi there – getting back
Hey there! Yeah, I’m still around. I’ve had a heck of a down week this past week. It started out just fine, got back from a great little weekend getaway with the family and started the week just fine. Got out on Tuesday and voted, but that’s about where it ended.
I’d spent the rest of the week trying to work through one heck of a nasty cold. Finally here on Sunday, that’s really lifting. I usually don’t get the common stuff that floats around, including the flu – but this one got me real good. Oh well, it’s about done and I’ll be getting back to business this coming week.
What’s been fun though was meeting more great people involved in social media here in Minneapolis & St. Paul and helping them get connected and able to meet each other. I wish them well as they work on the ideas and projects they create together – fun stuff.
I’ve been wondering about this recent meme on the death of blogging. What rubbish. A great way to drive traffic though – which is what those kinds of memes are for anyway. Though I will admit that all the social sites have diluted the waters of the blogosphere and have pulled many bloggers off their game and kept them from focusing on their goals. I know, I’ve let that happen here as well.
Ok, that and work – having to keep up with a full-time consulting gig at a fortune 100 company can really take up a significant portion of your time. However, that’s all good, should be getting better too I would hope.
Anyway, I just wanted to check with folks and let you know I’m around, a quiet mainly because of time constraints, but still here. Drop a line if you’d like and let me know what you’re up to.
Election Day 2008
Personal Branding Magazine – Volume 2 Issue 2
Personal Branding Gold Rush – That’s the theme of the upcoming issue of Personal Branding Magazine to be released on November 1st, 2008.
From publisher Dan Schawbel:
Volume 2, Issue 2 is a call to action. Now is the time for building your personal eBrand. Laggards will be lost in a Google cloud of dust, while early adopters will rank #1 for their name. Stop watching everyone else steal your gold (your THUNDER) and get involved today. Many people are scared to develop an online presence, yet it’s the only way you can safeguard your brand and have “job security.” This issue will highlight Gary Vaynerchuk, who will passionately force you to get involved in the GOLD RUSH. As you read each page, you will gather the knowledge needed to not let these opportunities pass you by.
Check out the interviews with, Gary Vaynerchuk, David Allen, Keith Ferrazzi, Robert Cialdini, and 26 additional informative and entertaining articles.
Not sure about a subscription yet? Check out the sample issue available right now at http://www.personalbrandingsample.com
Social Media Breakfast with Jeff Pulver
Guess what, my social media friends in Minneapolis & St. Paul? Jeff Pulver is going to be hosting a Breakfast with Jeff Pulver and Friends here in the Twin Cities on Nov. 20th, courtesy of Best Buy.
In place of our regular Social Media Breakfast – Twin Cities, everyone is invited to join Jeff Pulver for breakfast at the Best Buy headquarters campus in Richfield, MN. We’ve booked space in the large atrium dining & conference area at Best Buy called “Sandy’s Place†and will have room for quite a few more folks than we’ve had in the past.
I’m glad to be able to work with Jeff and Best Buy to bring this opportunity to MSP – our social media community is quite active and has gotten a bit of notice these last few months. Jeff’s version of a social media breakfast will include a number of fun differences from our previous events such as live social tagging, and the personal social networking toolkit.
Registration for this event is through Facebook, which is probably the easiest way to keep up with Jeff Pulver in any case. This will require a registration process on Facebook if you don’t already have one, but if you’re at all interested in learning more about social media and social networking, you should have one anyway.
Click here to RSVP for the Minneapolis Breakfast on Facebook
Personal Social Networking Toolkit
There are some great things that Jeff does at each of his breakfasts, and has a video primer that will get up up to speed on Facebook, here.
There will be a social networking toolkit for each attendee, so be sure to check out the video above on how it all works.
While this is really Jeff’s breakfast, we’ll chalk this one up as SMB – Twin Cities 9, since this was the original timeframe for our event in November. We’ll have the same opportunities for networking and sharing ideas, and trust me, Jeff is looking forward to meeting folks from Minneapolis & St. Paul and building relationships with the community here.
You can find Jeff Pulver on Facebook and his blog.
Photo credit: Jeff Pulver
Sponsored by Best Buy
Personal Branding in a Down Economy
How have you positioned yourself? Have you been building your brand? How are you prepared to take advantage of opportunities in a down economy?
While you listen to the gloom and doom of the mainstream media, naysayers, and general pessimists, remember that only you have control of your career. Just like leaving your financial future in someone else’s hands, doing so with your career is a recipe for disappointment or worse.
Perhaps your position at your company is secure, and you don’t have to worry much. Perhaps it’s anything but secure. Either way, the realities of today dictate that one takes a more proactive approach to staying relevant to your industry, and maintaining visibility in your market.
The great part is that both these things are quite easily accessible to everyone. All you have to do is take the initiative and begin. Sure true training courses by “certified†learning facilities cost real dollars and take up real business hours. However there are other alternatives – search them out on the web. You may already be doing this on a daily basis online or through RSS feeds.
The bigger part, though, is to be making sure to gain visibility in your market. To do that, you’ll need to explore the avenues of “web 2.0†and social media. The tools are plentiful, easy to use, and low to no cost. Most of the ones that give you the most value are going to be the no-cost options, with only your time as an investment.
The time investment is creating and maintaining your presence. It could be one site or network, or it could me many. The more involved you are in sharing information and ideas, the more likely you’ll be to gain both mindshare and authority within your market and industry.
The important thing about working towards this goal, is to make yourself more marketable, more appealing to potential employers and clients. So it’s important that you give examples of your expertise as much as possible. Don’t worry about giving away shared knowledge, every industry has a shared knowledge pool at every level of experience. You need to demonstrate that base knowledge and build upon it. Showing what makes you stand out in the process.
The demand for quality, well-rounded, experienced people never diminishes. The more polished your skills are, and the more people know about them, the more valuable & desirable you become to any organization. And you need to have those qualities visible to the public to take advantage of that next opportunity.