Site icon Rick Mahn

Back on Vista

Microsoft Windows Vista I know I like to “ping-pong” between operating systems, but I just thought I’d mention that I’m back on Windows Vista.  Since I’ve finally upgraded my major software licenses from Windows XP and Office 2003, to Windows Vista and Office 2007 – I’ll be on full shipping versions rather than late-beta and release candidate versions.

One of many learning’s at Windows Connections 2007 this year was the complete integration of the “Vista wave”.  Yes, there were tidbits there even for a seasoned Microsoft junkie like me.  One new thing I picked up while at Connections was Office OneNote 2007.  The improvements over OneNote 2003 are significant and provide a much more organized (as if ON03 wasn’t organized enough!) interface to store your notes and research.

Good stuff – now I just need to replace my aging laptop with a newer Core 2 Duo unit, and I’ll be set.  And no, I’m not using the Aero interface – simply because my current Intel 915G integrated display controller doesn’t support it.


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