Site icon Rick Mahn

What to say…


Ever since Dave Winer (Scripting News)started talking about quiting blogging, the A-Listers of the blogosphere have changed – at least the way I’ve been reading them.  A couple of weeks ago, Robert Scoble (Scobleizer) invited a guest blogger, Bubba Murarka, to blog in place of himself for awhile.  Now Russell Beattie (Russell Beattie Notebook) has posted his ‘claimed’ last post to his blog.  About a month or so ago, he turned off comments on his blog, and the same time Robert announced Bubba as a guest blogger, he turned on comment moderation.
Strangely, about the time Dave announced he was thinking about quitting blogging, he turned comments back on – go figure.

So I’m not sure what to say about this – two weeks ago, I had decided not to post about this until I had some point, some interesting commentary on it.  But with Russ getting out of blogging, and Robert and Dave pulling significantly back, I guess that I had to mention something.

So here is my perspective (from the ZZZ-List of course).  The blogosphere is diversifiying, or growing, or aging or whatever you want to describe it as – for me, its diversifying.  More people will come along and replace the voice of Russ, Robert, Dave, Doc and whoever else was on your ‘A-List’ of bloggers.  While you can mourn their descision, I for one am glad that they are recognizing that their is another piece to life that may be outside the blogosphere at this time.  They and others have brought lots of information, news, products, and most importantly, excitement to blogging that otherwise may not have been here.

And the best part is that they’ll be back in one form or another.  Whether they admit it today or not, they will bring something new to the table when the time is right.  Right now, I’ve found myself reading more blogs because of them.  I’ve found Mathew Ingram, Kent Newsome, Richard Edelman, TechCrunch & MobileCrunch, Megite, and many, many more just from Russell, Robert, and Dave.

To Dave, Robert, and Russell, I want to say thank-you for the conversations you’ve brought to us.  Talk to you again soon.

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