Site icon Rick Mahn

Ugh, it’s time for my twice annual custom theme itch…

Don’t know why, but I always seem to get the itch to either develop or buy a custom theme for my blog.  I’m not sure why I get these notions, but I start seeming more blogs with the free theme I found and I want to differentiate myself I guess.

I’ll honestly admit that it may be partly ego too – after all I’m only human.  I’ve spent enough time with my current theme that I’ve really customized it quite a bit.  It’s obviously “Misty Look” (eh, look v3.4 is out) by Sadish Bala – a great theme designer.  My customizations are mainly on the sidebar, creating some custom widgets for things that I want on my blog.  Another one is adding a feed link in the header for my Link Blog in Google Reader.

I have to admit that I’ve learned a LOT about PHP and WordPress code using this theme and how to customize it.  I’m just a sidebar away from getting it widened out to accommodate a second sidebar – their tricky pieces, at least for me.

So I’ll try to keep from changing themes, I’ve made it through my “spring fever” attempt to change my theme and have stuck with Misty Look for many months.  We’ll try to keep with one look for awhile.

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