Vista’s Road to Gold

Road to Gold Paul Thurrott has posted his first piece in his series Road to Gold.

Paul has always had great opportunities to review early versions of products from Microsoft.  He enthusiastically does this with an eye for detecting the not-so-finished features that would trip up the average user.

Since I’m an avid technology buff working in IT, I regularly read his reviews, and this one should be another great retrospective of the process of getting from the Longhorn concepts to Vista the product.

Thanks Paul!

Windows Vista – Only one test release left

Windows Vista Logo So it’s sounding like the media is starting to believe that Vista will actually ship when Microsoft said it would.

Right on schedule, Microsoft says there is one more beta release for the main Vista beta team.  After that, the next build for an external release will be the RTM.

eWeek has a good article that discusses this along with many aspects of what MS has been working towards with the Vista product.

Link to Just One More Release Before Windows Vista Goes Gold

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