3 Month free T-Mobile WiFi for Vista Users

T-Mobile Wireless WiFi Hotspot Ah, finally have the full skinny on the free T-Mobile WiFi Hotspot offer for new Windows Vista Users.  The offer is for 3 months of service only starting this Friday.  While the rumor of this news was spreading around the web this morning, there was no additional information on the length of the offer.

Even for 3 months this is a great chance to try out the hotspot service at your favorite coffee shop.

Via: Information WeekT-Mobile Offers Three Months Free Hotspot Access To Vista Users

Free WiFi Rocks

Almost seems like I’ve started some kind of weird “Rocks” series of posts.  Well, ok, yes, but it wasn’t intentional – it just kind of happened.

But we’re at our hotel in Duluth and its nice to be able to catch up on news & post a little on things at “full speed”.  Brianna was swimming, Amy was reading, and I was keeping on top of news and such.

We were able to make it to Canal Park for dinner, and enjoyed a walk along the shore afterward.  Tomorrow we’ll be heading up the north shore to Grand Marias.

An aside: Amy and I both came up the the word “Locatability” at the same time – yikes, that’s weird, even for us.

From there, we’ll head towards Ely, and then on down to Crosslake for a day or two before heading home.

T-Mobile already rolling out UMTS!

T-Mobile Logo As expected, T-Mobile today announced that their 3G UMTS rollout was already underway.  With 50% of New York already completed, T-Mobile has obviously been active in the background working ahead of the spectrum acquisitions to get a jump on the 3G market.

With a completion schedule into 2009, and service to be available to customers next summer, the rollout is quite accelerated.  BetaNews also mentioned the spokesperson changes, new plan options, and the UMA WiFi-based services announced late last month.

Great news for all Tmo customers!

BetaNews – T-Mobile: 3G Deployments Underway

Cable to compete with Muni WiFi

An article over at The Wireless Report covers some new developments in the Cable vs. municiple wireless “battle”. There are some efforts being pursued by CableLabs (an industry trade group) where they investigate competing in the wireless space.

This is a good thing – the cable industry is taking the correct approach in trying to compete with the new competition rather than continue to lobby against something that is a direct threat to their business model. New competition should always be viewed as a challenge to improve, to become better than before rather than the knee-jerk reaction of protect our market share at all costs kind of mentality.

I encourage the cable industry to keep trying to think further ahead, as well as their competion – it will make the resulting products and services that much more useful and valuable to us consumers.

Via: The Wireless Report

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Rick Mahn
T-Mobile Wireless WiFi Hotspot
T-Mobile Logo
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