MinneBar 2008 – Recap

I was at MinneBar 2008 on Saturday and had another great experience.  Good people talking about Web2 development & design.  Peter Fleck and I also were able to present a session on “This Think Called Twitter” where we got the group talking about some of the social web.  Lots of great new Twitter friends to talk and work with in my hometown of Minneapolis!

For all the great organizational efforts of everyone at MinneBar, the U of M did a money grab and kept the WiFi closed.  It was the only negative of the entire unconference.  Too bad – I could have done more live-blogging of the sessions and the great vibe of the people attending.

Still, I came away very enthused because of the interest and excitement everyone seemed to have.  I’m looking forward to continuing to connect and build relationships in the social web with these folks.  We have a lot of great talent here in the Minneapolis & St. Paul area, so I know there is some great potential.

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