Giving w.bloggar another chance

Last time I used w.bloggar was a few months ago, probably in January. I have been looking for a really good offline blogging tool. Something that allows me to create, save and store posts offline prior to publishing them on my blog. Of course, I don’t really want to spend any money on a tool so I’ve been searching and trying most of the freeware blogging tools.

I understand that there are several commercial tools that may fit the bill, but I’ve not researched all those yet. So I have gone back and taken another look at w.bloggar, a feature packed freeware blogging tool. To my surprise, it has been updated since I visted the site last. Some new features and support for MSN Spaces has been added. Anyway, this post is my first one written in the latest version of w.bloggar.

Since MS Word 2007 is supposed getting an injection of blog posting tools, we’ll see how the two stack up as Word matures from beta code to RTM. The one thing I think both of these tools are never going to support is a WordPress plugin I have installed on my blog that automatically inserts a Technorati tag into each post – all I have to do on the post editing page is to enter a few keywords. This means that I’ll have to visit my site after posting to add the Technorati tags. I’ll keep you posted as I discover the pros and cons of w.bloggar.

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