Jul 2, 2007 | blog
Since getting started in video blogging, I’ve found I needed something for importing video. While I’ve been meaning to do this for some time, I’ve finally picked up a package to help do this. Pinnacle’s Studio MovieBox Plus is now mine and operational on my Windows Vista laptop. An initial import from the vidcam was pretty strait forward, and the Studio software seems to be pretty good for editing video as well.
It also allows me to use my video camera in place of my web cam if I choose – much better video quality! Another nice aspect is to live-preview on a 3rd display while editing video, green screen (chroma key), and picture-in-picture.
The side-benefit of course, is that I can now also import and burn those home-movies to DVD that I’ve been meaning to do for awhile! Can’t wait to try some things here shortly!
Technorati tags: Pinnacle Studio MovieBox Plus, Pinnacle Studio, Importing Video
Jun 29, 2007 | blog
Yeah, so I get an email this morning announcing Mogulus-hosted coverage of the iPhone launch. So, being interested in Mogulus, I click the link, the page loads and….

Well Mogulus, here is your first problem. My interest in this link was two-fold, I wanted to see a little bit of the carnage of the Apple iPhone launch, but I was more interested in how your service looks.
Guess what my first impression is!
I mean, I was really interested in the layout, quality, component interaction and so on – of your service, not the iPhone. I’ll get to see clips from the iPhone launch around the globe and around the web, but it’ll still be awhile before I get to see your service, and the first experience with it left me wondering if you’re worth the hype. I already know the iPhone isn’t.
Via: Mogulus.com – iPhone Launch TV
Technorati tags: mogulus, Live Video, Personal Broadcasting
Jun 23, 2007 | blog
Really frustrated that the embedded video posts I’ve used Ustream.tv to record don’t seem to show up in my RSS feed. Videos posted from either Google’s YouTube or Microsoft’s Soapbox work fine!?!?
I use Feedburner to handle my RSS feed from my WordPress blog – anyone else run across this?
Technorati tags: Embedded Video, RSS Video, MSN Soapbox, YouTube
Jun 22, 2007 | blog
A video blog post about using WebcamMax.
Let me know if this video does not show in your RSS feed! I’m really interested in figuring that out.
UPDATE: Of course turning on my microphone would have been a great idea.
UPDATE II: I must have really been tired when I finally posted… I had my headphones plugged in when I recorded and didn’t realize it. So, I thought I didn’t have sound on the vid – figured out my confusion in the morning… 🙂 Ugh! Kinda funny though!
Technorati tags: WebcamMax, Personal Broadcasting