Computing Hardware 2014

HP Chrombook 11Another year is coming to a close.  2013 has been a great year for me as a consultant, with a lot of opportunities for learning and working with new things.

In my professional life I consult with companies to help them build & maintain managed IT services, specifically around Microsoft Windows server and client environments.  It’s a lot of fun, and both large and small clients have unique requirements, technology, and cultures.

On the personal side though, I use a completely different set of technologies.  Every year it seems to morph, usually little bits at a time.  For example, we all have a desktop or laptop that lasts us for years, maybe a printer, WiFi, storage systems, and entertainment of course.  Me too, though the end of this year seems to have taken a bit of a turn for me.

Nexus 7It will be no secret that I’m a heavy Microsoft user, and that I’m also a big consumer of Google services.  During this past year, I’ve found myself almost completely using online services rather than local software.  I do have an Office 365 account for myself, and having Office 2013 is great, but it’s the online portion of that subscription that makes it really usable.

Google Docs is another service I have begun to use much, much more, to the point of rarely actually using MS Office for personal use.  I use Office for work all the time, of course.  Along with Google Docs and Office 365, I use Evernote rather than OneNote, self-hosted WordPress for blogging, all the usual social networks, of course, and several other services as they fit unique needs.

What this means, is that I really don’t need MS Windows for personal use any more.  So here at the end of 2013, I’m changing the computing tools that I use.  Much of this isn’t a surprise, a Nexus 7 (2013, 16GB, WiFi) for a tablet, and a Nexus 5 for phone.  I still have my 3-year-old Sony laptop, but that dual-boots Ubuntu 13.10 and Windows 8.1 (spending most of the time in Ubuntu).  The big change was picking up the Chromebook 11, built by HP and Google.

Nexus 5I’ve been leaning towards a Chromebook for a year or more, but this one checked all the boxes for me.  Small, lightweight, instant on, USB charging (very cool), a great keyboard, very good display (even though resolution is only 1366×768), and stylish.  I can literally do about 99% of what I need from a computer from this Chromebook.  The only thing I can’t is video editing, and that’s mighty rare for me anyway.

The interesting coincidence, is that all three of these new devices have only 16GB of local storage and, of course, rely very heavily on the cloud to function.  For where I live & work, that’s not an issue, so I’ve found a significant boost in personal productivity by having devices that are instantly available, have the same synchronized information a click away, and are in some cases interchangeable. A study source – has proven valuable to me, with so much tech advancement it helps to keep up with the professionals.

So for the next year or more, I’ll be mainly using Google hardware and, for heavy lifting, Ubuntu on my “big” laptop.  As I said earlier, I’ve been heading in this direction for some time.  Now that I’ve moved fully over, I feel more empowered to actually *do* things with the technology I own, rather than having to manage the technology… which is what I do in my professional life.

At least this makes things a little simpler.

Windows Vista – Ubuntu – Windows 7

ubuntulogo Spending a week with a different operating system on my laptop is like learning a new religion. It’s intensely interesting, insightful, a true learning experience! Ultimately it teaches one what they took for granted about the things they already knew and cherished.

So I spent a refreshing week on the linux side of the operating system fence last week.  In the end, I had to come back to Windows.  It wasn’t the operating system, it wasn’t the software, it wasn’t the stability, nor was it any of the big things that people run into when trying to run any flavor of linux.

Instead, it was the little things – very little things.  Like not having the play/pause, and volume buttons on my laptop not work with the media player.  Or the media player not playing WMA files by default without a trip to the command line to make it work – yeah it matters, I have 15GB of tunes in WMA that I’m not re-encoding.

windows-7 I ran into a number of things that simply needed a little tweak or manual intervention.  Any one of them nothing at all a real problem.  All the really important things just simply worked.  For example, I didn’t have to find one single driver for my laptop hardware for Ubuntu 8.10 – it all worked out of the box.  My favorite Firefox plug-ins, and therefore my main work environment, were all set up in the same amount of time that it takes on Windows – and worked just as expected.  Email was set up in Evolution quickly and, again, just worked.

No, it was all the little things that added up made me decide I still needed to be running Windows.  I’m less a “techy” person than I have been in the past, and while it’s fun to try new things, and experiment, I need a system that I don’t have to think about or fight with.  I need something that simply works on every level at any point, and for me, Windows is that system.

So I’ll test Windows 7 a bit and then go back to Windows Vista until Win7 is released later this year.

The Asus Eee PC – Is this the real cloud computing client?

Asus Eee PC While it’s been out for awhile now, and I’ve read a quite a bit on it – only last night did it really hit me how useful this device may be.  The little device with an instant-on capability that can be had for as little as $300 is getting rave reviews by just about everyone.  Especially those that have been using one.

I’m thinking this is the perfect device to provide the grab-and-go needs that I have nearly daily.  My laptop is great, but it’s always set up and running either at home or work.  With a second device, I could simply grab it and head off to anywhere and still be able to take notes, read feeds, blog, write manuals, perform remote-control support as needed all in a 2 pound package.

Guess we’ll find out more about it this week.  While mentioning it to Amy, she pointed out how nice it’d be to have a smaller device for herself to be able to use around the house and such.  The interesting part was that after pointing out all the “deficiencies” in the device, like no storage space, slower processor, Linux instead of Windows, small screen resolution, etc… she was still really interested in the device.  We’ll be off later today to try a hands-on with one to see what she and our daughter think of them.

At any rate, using nLite, I’ve built a small Windows XP build (533MB installed)that may fit nicely even on the extremely storage challenged Eee PC 2GB Surf model.  Personally though, I’m interested in looking at getting Ubuntu loaded on it.

Anyone else have one, or thinking about getting one?  I’d love to know your thoughts on this super-inexpensive and uber- portable device.

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Rick Mahn
HP Chrombook 11
Nexus 7
Nexus 5
Asus Eee PC
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