Social Media Breakfast – Twin Cities 7

smbmsp-logo-beta_1 Looking forward to the next Social Media Breakfast? So are we! We’ll be meeting at the Best Buy headquarters in Richfield, MN again this time and will welcome the co-founder of Blue Shirt Nation, Gary Koelling who’s going to share some stories and background on Best Buy social media initiatives like BSN, Gift Tag and so on.

We’ll also talk about social media “Purists” vs. “Corporatists” in the enterprise, take a quick look at the SMBMSP social media site on Ning, and hear from ThreeVolts about web video. We’ll see you there!


  • Gary Koelling, co-founder of Best Buy’s BlueShirtNation will talk about BSN and GiftTag
  • Group question: Social Media “Purists” vs. the “Corporatists” in the enterprise. What’s your take?
  • Three Volts will talk about web video and it’s use by companies
  • Conferences – Who’s going and why (BlogWorld Expo, DEMO, Defrag, SXSW)
  • Local event/meetup update – what’s coming up & details on SMBMSP8.
  • Announcement: We have a bacon sponsor!!!

Breakfast sponsored by:

Sterling Cross Group


I’m hoping his works for the remotes and us behind a firewall at SMB – any other ideas or suggestions?


Please note that we’re using the Meebo chat listed above rather than the embedded Mogulus chat. Sorry for any inconvenience!

Social Media Breakfast & Social Media Club

Local conversations, with national connections!

Welcome back, Joanna Young

A special note to a blogging friend in Scotland this morning. Joanna Young, the Confident Writing coach, has been offline for a bit during a move to a new place. Everyone on Twitter has missed Joanna’s wit and wisdom these last couple weeks and certainly welcome her back from her Twitter holiday.

For those bloggers getting started and looking for tips, ideas, inspiration and more related to writing, I really recommend checking out Joanna’s blog. Many great folks from Twitter also participate in the comments and the many writing projects that Joanna leads up. It makes for quite a bit of fun!

Welcome back Joanna, we’re glad to see you back on the Blog and on Twitter – hope the move went well!

Social Media Breakfast – Twin Cities 6

Social Media in real life

SMB-TC6 is coming together quickly and seems to have a theme: social media in real life! We’ve got many great things happening that really show how social media is changing everything we do.  From writing books, to our political process, social media is transforming social interaction, bringing more interactivity and a voice to more people.

I didn’t plan on this, but as the event materialized, we ended up with a theme of sorts: social media in real life.  The agenda is full of it – we’re writing a chapter of a book, we’re learning of new tools by their creators, we’re talking with citizen journalists at the kickoff of a major political conference… all these things are part of the lives of our community. We get to share these things, and make them even better. At least, that’s my thoughts as we finish pulling this together.

We have a very special event at this SMB: live-writing a chapter of Pioneer Press Journalist Julio Ojeda-Zapata’s new book Twitter Means Business – How microblogging can help or hurt your company. How will this work? We’ll be using Twitter of course! The project kicks off on Monday August 18th, 2008 and runs through Friday, August 22nd at SMB-TC6! More details on this from Julio (@jojeda) shortly!

Also, we have a new sponsor this month: MarketWire (thank them for the bacon ;).

Ok, on to the details:

Location: Best Buy HQ in Richfield, MN (map link)

Date: August 22nd, 2008

RSVP on Upcoming*: SMB-TwinCities 6

  • Julio Ojeda-Zapata (@jojeda on Twitter) will talk about his upcoming book Twitter Means Business – How microblogging can help or hurt your company
  • Participate in live-writing a chapter to Julio’s new book on Twitter, we’ll wrap that up live at SMB-TC6! Read more here!
  • Live remote update from Noah Kunin (@noahkunin on Twitter) of from the first day of the DNC in Denver, CO. Noah will be demonstrating how social media, specifically mobile video, is being used for citizen journalism.
  • Phil Wilson (@Philson on Twitter) talks about ComicTwit
  • Bring your conversation topics and share your knowledge of Social Media
  • Complimentary continental breakfast (I’m working on the bacon!)
  • Celebrate a half a year of SMBs in Minneapolis/St. Paul
  • Watch remotely via our new video channel on Mogulus: Have a webcam – let us know and we will try some remote Q&A too!
  • As always, additional agenda item suggestions are welcomed!

New video feed on Mogulus:

* Due to requirements at Best Buy, we do require an RSVP prior to the event. Remember, the event is no cost!

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Reducing social networking increases productivity?

So I’ve been doing an experiment of sorts. Staying off most social networks, answering requests and status on only those I believe actually bring value. This was not totally planned, but is something I have meant to do for some time, as it’s my opinion that I was spending too much time on social networks.

During this period, I have also been paying attention to my productivity. You know, the real work I do to actually make real money. Of course, it’s not surprising that reducing the time involved in social networking will increase productivity, it is the ratio that seems interesting. I’ve no scientific data that indicates anything, and it doesn’t seem anything more than a one to one relationship to me.

That’s the main reason I’m not very active right now on many social networks. So that begs the question: What social networks do I find valuable right now? That would be Twitter, LinkedIn, and FriendFeed – not in any particular order. These are the networks that I’m finding value, sharing with friends, and meeting business opportunities.

I am, however, curious about other’s experiences. What networks do you find the most valuable right now, and why? Is it the tried & true, or the up & coming?

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