

I’ve honestly not been interested much in Steve Jobs, or Apple to date. I watched the Apple/Microsoft/IBM ‘wars’ when I was a teen back in the 80’s and had always been interested in what a ‘real computer’ could do.

I didn’t really ‘get’ the idea of computer clubs and the passion hobbyists had for Apple at the time. I understand it today, but still don’t connect with Apple fans.

In reality, the world did loose a visionary when Steve Jobs died. I respect him for the work he did, and the passion that drove him to greatness. I miss the contribution and the competition that he brought to the technology world, and hope we can achieve as much as new people and new ideas continue to stream into the industry.

A lawyer: Parsing Steve Jobs’ alternative views of the future

Of course, he misses the point, and does not follow the blogoshpere.  I’ve been preaching and predicting DRM-free music for almost 9 months now.  The reality for the record companies is that they have missed their opportunity to really control the digital market because they were to intent on leaching every penny from every music sale.

Jobs is only a recent convert to the DRM-free movement.  Many people have been pointing out the inability of the recording industry to get their head around not suing their customers for using their product.  A few kids and parents copying music is not the same as real pirates that produce cut-rate copies of the various artists, and trying to recover those lost sales is akin to slitting their own throats.

Via: CNET News.comParsing Steve Jobs’ alternative views of the future

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Rick Mahn
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