Social Media Breakfast – Holiday Edition 2008

Hi everyone! I thought I’d let you know about the upcoming Social Media Breakfast – Twin Cities on December 19th.  It’s a Holiday version of the event, meant to be fun and unstructured.

Lake Elmo Inn Event Center - Lobby We will be meeting at the Lake Elmo Inn Event Center, where we’ll have a full breakfast buffet with all your breakfast favorites (including bacon!), served during the entire event.  The Lake Elmo Inn has great food, and is a consistent reader’s choice winner in Mpls./St. Paul Magazine, with great facilities and excellent food.

This is a pay event and costs $20 per person. Registration will be open through Dec. 16th and there are only 60 seats available, so don’t wait! Click Here to Register

We’ll be having a great morning with the story of Ratchet, related by Katie Konrath.  If you didn’t hear the story, it’s one of community, social media, and compassion coming together to make something happen.  One of the great examples of our interest and commitment to social media on a personal level.

Also, we will have an “open mic” for you to share your stories from past events, or to talk about things that Social Media Breakfast has enabled for you.  Tell folks what exciting new ideas you’re working on  or what you do.

Along with that, we’ll have much more time to talk and trade stories on a more intimate setting, with smaller groups and less pressure to adhere to an agenda.  Bring your ideas or stories and share with the folks at your table or the one next to you.

Lake Elmo Inn Event Center - Main Room

So come enjoy our most exciting event, our 10th event in Minneapolis & St. Paul, our first full breakfast, and probably the best chance to simply connect with more of the SMBMSP crowd than you’ve had a chance to previously.

I look forward to seeing everyone who can make it!  If you want to make it, but don’t have a ride lined up, direct message or “@” smbmsp on Twitter and we’ll do our best to connect a some folks together

Friday, December 19th, 2008 from 8am to 10am

Lake Elmo Inn Event Center
3712 Layton Ave. N.
Lake Elmo, MN 55402
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Take my post ideas. Please!

Sometimes I spend time just generating ideas for blog posts, and they make it into this list or that notebook (though you couldn’t tell by my current lack of posts ;). While I can’t claim this idea is original, I do indeed want to share this list – I’ll probably not use them in the near term and it may be inspiration to someone to write a great post that I’d love to read.

So without further rambling, here is a list of 50 blog post ideas (kinda heavy on social media), for you to take and repurpose for your needs.

  1. Working your social media juju
  2. Training your ninjas
  3. How organizations can’t succeed with the social web
  4. How organizations can succeed with the social web
  5. Why don’t we "offshore" to middle America?
  6. Looking for the fast buck? Try looking for fast customer satisfaction instead.
  7. Don’t wait for your brand to succeed, make it succeed
  8. Internet Rock Stars and other fairy tales
  9. Like the A-List? It gets even better on the Z-List
  10. Don’t read the news, make the news
  11. Your time is now
  12. Success is defined by those wishing to achieve it
  13. Success doesn’t define you, you define success
  14. Social media is like good BBQ, mmmm
  15. Have a product? Build a community.
  16. Blog your way to a better job
  17. Yes, it’s easy to say…
  18. It isn’t about social media, it’s about being social
  19. Why social media isn’t about selling anything
  20. Building a better branded you
  21. Host an event – here’s how!
  22. Social Media Ninja – Tools of the Trade
  23. Wishing is good – doing is better
  24. Walk tall, blog proud
  25. Taking the work out of blog ideas – 100 topics for your blog
  26. Personal Brand: It is about you
  27. Corporations and Facebook: They do mix
  28. Getting Buy-In from the Mail Room: Why it’s important to include people who do real work
  29. Hosting an event? Check in with these folks.
  30. I’m not dead, I just don’t blog
  31. You’re Dad’s blogging – what do you do now?
  32. Things social medians could learn from an old-time community social
  33. Your Grandparents Were Social Media Gurus – Here’s Why
  34. Busy? Just press pause.
  35. We now return you to our regularly scheduled programming.
  36. Are you a social giver or a media taker? Here’s how to find out.
  37. A bridge to nowhere – the promise of social media that was.
  38. Social Media’s Red Light District – Beware
  39. Following the white rabbit of social media
  40. Brand identification – why your picture is important
  41. When it rains in social media land, do you build an ark?
  42. Giving 100 ideas away
  43. But wait! There’s more!
  44. Things I wish I had known when I started blogging
  45. Things I wish I had known when I started social networking
  46. Corporate social media and other oddities
  47. Changing the focus of your blogs topic
  48. There’s a blog post in here somewhere
  49. Wishing isn’t as good as doing
  50. Social Media Success Stories from the Road

If you don’t mind, I’d love a link back to this post or my blog if you use one of the titles verbatim, if only so I can follow up and read yours.  Don’t sweat it if you don’t want to. Have fun!

Right Now

I Feel So Small Right Now - by Pat Rioux What are you doing right now? Are you moving forward, stagnating or slipping backward? Why wait to launch your biz, your idea, your brand? Why wait to spend time with your family or call your parents back?

There’s no better time than the present to do something.

Right now you could be:

  1. Building something new
  2. Spending time with your kids
  3. Finishing a project
  4. Outside
  5. Helping a friend in need
  6. Building a website
  7. Mowing the grass
  8. Working on a community project
  9. Reaching out to someone
  10. Stimulating the economy
  11. Supporting your local charities
  12. Practicing your golf swing
  13. Taking responsibility
  14. Yielding to pedestrians
  15. Taking your family on vacation
  16. Applying for that position or job you want
  17. Visiting a elderly relative
  18. Taking the stairs
  19. Finishing several projects
  20. Saving money
  21. Getting away from the computer for awhile
  22. Fishing
  23. Building your personal brand
  24. Returning that phone call
  25. Taking steps to become the person you want to be

What I really want to convey is the reality that there is no better time to do something for yourself, your family, your community, your country, or the world than right now.

Inspired by Van Halen’s Right Now

Photo credit: Pat Rioux

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