Afraid of being cataloged online? You’ve just lost.

Sorry, but that’s the truth.  If you’re afraid of sharing your opinion and letting the online world catalog and categorize you, then you’ve already lost the edge.  The realities of future (read: today) is that you need to be an active part of your industry or genre, or you lose out.  Want that corner office? Then get out there and prove to folks that you’re the person for it.

To be an active participant and be considered for advancement as we move into the future, folks are going to be looking to find out about you.  If they perform several searches online for you and find nothing… well, what does that speak of your accomplishments?  Yes, references and a call to previous employers is important, and prudent.  However, if folks just can’t find out about you outside of work, or what your passions are, or what your opinions are – it does allow them to form an opinion about you.

Twitter Search

Twitter Serach FieldWell, I can’t not post about this.  Twitter has added an all-important search feature that has been requested for some time.  Now, right from your own Twitter Home Page, you can search out others.   It’s over there on the right-hand sidebar, directly under the “Send Notifications” options.

Thanks to Biz Stone and the rest of the team at Twitter for the new feature!

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Twitter: Quote Sourcing

twitter Did anyone ever notice what a rich source Twitter is for gathering quotes?  It’s almost a quote engine all by itself.  It’s tailored to the task in many ways.  Take into consideration the following:

  1. Limit of 140 characters is about the perfect length for just about anything.
  2. The large number of users generating original content.
  3. Many of the intelligent conversations generate, interesting and meaningful tweets.
  4. Each Tweet (Quote) has it’s own unique URL.

Hmm, Dave Winer can I run an idea past you…

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