Scobleizer – Tech Geek Blogger » Is Microsoft really the largest blog vendor?

Robert has another great discussion going on his blog. Seems that a Windows Live team member was bragging a bit.

Yesterday someone who works on the Windows Live team was taunting me with “influentials don’t matter, we got to be #1 and we don’t care that there aren’t any influential bloggers using our stuff.”

Boy, this person didn’t think ahead when they spouted off. Its about time we take a closer look at Msft’s claim to be the largest blogging host in the world. They very well may be, but I also take issue with their argument that all the Live Spaces are really blogs.

Robert is on a mission to identify a more realistic understanding of what is the real makeup of Live Spaces compared to more traditional blogging platforms like TypePad and WordPress.

Today I see that George Moore, General Manager of Windows Live, just told a crowd in New Zealand that Windows Live is “now the largest blogging service on the planet.” At least according to Richard MacManus, who I’ve found to accurately report past events, and who is at TechED in New Zealand.

What do you think, is Live Spaces a serious blogging platform, or is it a social networking environment like My Space?

Link to Scobleizer – Tech Geek Blogger » Is Microsoft really the largest blog vendor?

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