Of email, feeds, research and planning

That is the makeup of my tasks this week.  While I’m pretty much caught up on my email, I do have a large backlog of feeds that I need to parse through and read.  Luckily Google Reader makes that easy.

As for the rest of the week, I’ve got a lot of work in the research and planning phases that will help me find and meet with new clients.  I’ve got a number of ideas and will pursue them along with some good old-fashioned in-person networking.

A few things that are tripping me up this week are my phone and those little config details on my new laptop.  My phone has been kind of goofy every since I got back from Florida last month, but it really is acting strange in the past week.  I can’t seem to get everything to sync in Vista yet (though I have had it work in the past) and the alarms do not go off when they are supposed to.  A little later today I’ll try re-flashing the firmware to see if I can weed out the bad apples on the darn thing.

Also, even though a person gets all the major applications, utilities, plugins, bookmarks and other such items set up on a new computer, there always seems to be some last little things.  I seem to find that I’m missing little bits of productivity every 30 minutes or so, just because of a forgotten config, tool, bookmark and so on.

Other than that, it’s been a productive 1st half of the week, can’t wait to meet with a few other people that I want to connect with and see what happens from there.

Investigating Blogging…

Well now that Naked Conversations is available, I’m getting motivated to investigate WordPress a bit more. Its more powerful for blogging than just about any other blogging software that I’m aware of, but I’m not certain how it would benefit me over Blogger at this time.

I’ve moved from MSN Spaces, which I still think is interesting, to Blogger – but wonder if WordPress would allow me to create the blogging experience that I’m after. Blogger has captured most of it, but more flexibility would be nice.

Anyway, the book mentioned above is written by Robert Scoble and Shel Israel, and really is making a case for business blogging – check out the reviews at Amazon for more information on why people are thinking its important. I think I’ll order the book, I’ve been reading Robert’s blog for about a year and find it interesting. Congratulations to both on their latest achievement!

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