Poll: What is the first thing you think of when someone says “Email”?

So I’ve been intrigued by Robert Scoble’s choice to stop responding to emails and suggested anyone who wanted to contact him use Twitter.  It got me wondering what people think of email in it’s current form.  So here’s my poll.


You can add your own response to the poll if you like, or leave a comment with your thoughts on the topic.

Have a great day everyone!

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UPDATE: It seems the Democracy Polling Plug-In that I’m using here does not allow Internet Explorer users to add an answer to the poll while it does allow Firefox users to do this. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause for you, I’ll be changing to different polling plug-in for WordPress really soon. If you have IE and would like to add an answer to the poll, I’m happy to do this for you – simply Twitter the answer to me via a @rickmahn reply, or in email (rick gmail com).

New Poll: User Polls


I was curious what people think of user polls, so here’s a poll on it:


Please let me know what your thoughts are on the topic of user polls.  Do they add any value or interest?  What questions would you like to have polled?

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New Poll: Self-Employment

I’ve added a new poll on my sidebar (scroll a bit, you’ll find it) that asks about employment.  Do you work for yourself or someone else?  Since I’ve recently made the jump to independent consultant, I was wondering what kind of opinions are out there on the topic.


So, select your choice and let me know!  Thanks for stopping by.

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