I do love this bike

So I find myself a year into another technology consulting gig for “the big client”. It’s an interesting thing after spending a couple of years working both the corporate IT world and growing a community for social media professionals.
While I’ve grown a little tired of social media for its ability to enable too much interaction, I do find I miss the action. Sometimes. As you may have noticed, I’ve backed away from the social media space in the past six months or so. It’s a conscious decision on my part to get back to basics, and focus on life directions.
Sometimes I forget how much a technology career has rewarded me over the last two decades. With the ability to work with new things, and see the potential within an early product design. I love looking at something new that someone has built, and not only see what they’re trying to do, but see the hidden potential, the part they haven’t grasped yet. That’s one of the things I love most about technology – and about social media. There is still so much unexplored territory, and I can’t wait to see what other new things come along.
If you’ve ever been to CES (Consumer Electronics Show) or SXSW or another similarly large and impactful trade show. There is so much excitement, so much going on, that you can’t sit still. When you’re there, it’s exciting, it’s new, and you’re a part of it. That’s how I view technology every day.
But here’s the thing I’m getting to. I’m back to doing the deep thinking for large organizations on standards-setting processes around technology. It’s something I’m good at, and something I enjoy doing. It’s also allowed me to neglect blogging. More importantly, it’s kept me from writing… nearly anything that isn’t a technical manual, and it shows.
That’s what this post is really about. Simply making myself sit down and write something, even if I cringe when I hit ‘Publish’. In the end, it’s the passion for social media and technology that keeps me thinking of blogging and sharing crazy ideas and opinions.
Late nights, improbable project scope, tight deadlines, last minute ideas, and knowing it wasn’t for someone else’s gain… but rather, your own passion.
So an interesting thing happened yesterday. I failed at something I know how to do.
It’s easy to let happen, get too many things demanding too much attention and you take your eye off the ball. Something we help our clients work through and watch out for, and here I did the classic lack of communication mistake.
It should be okay, I mean, that happens to everyone.
And it does. However, the real issue here is that I let myself get distracted from what I’ve been thinking about for some time, and that’s really the ‘shame on me’ part.
When you’re passionate about something and really want to make something more of it, you need to communicate, and do so often so there’s no confusion to the intention and direction you’re going. That is the classic, ultimate rule and one should stick to that as closely as is possible.
So, instead of working on those things that would move the ball down the field, I spent yesterday answering questions and putting out fires that needn’t have been. A blog post, an email blast and some tweets pointing folks to that information would have put much of the discussion to rest before it started.
Live and learn I suppose. Take my lesson (really, please take it – I’ll sell cheap) and learn from it instead of making the same mistake yourself. Call if you have questions, I’m still always learning and love to share those things I learn.
Photo credit: JoshFassbind.com
Finding your passion and letting your creativity run with it.
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