Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

'Balancing on the Invisible' by Dru! Lately I’ve been thinking about being comfortable, and how it leads one into complacency, into believing that everything is fine.  That the world is fine, it’s understandable and that we know our place within it.  I’ve been thinking this for a number of reasons and one of them is leading me to realize how hard it is for organizations to change.

As individuals, we know change is hard – we struggle every year to improve ourselves.  We go so far as to ask peers to give critical feedback in the desire to find something to improve on. Something to make us better than we are.  Seldom do we seek another path.

Often, another path is the dangerous choice, at least that’s how it appears. Its something we’re not comfortable with.  It’s filled with challenges that we believe we’re not equipped to deal with.  The chance for failure is higher.  Perceptions can change without realizing it’s happening – brand authenticity is challenged with little warning.

What does an organization do when they feel like they’ve lost control of the message?  What if they don’t understand that control is an illusion?  Can change occur without destroying some portion of the organization, the control structure, or at the very least perceptions of such things?

Of course these are simply questions of those in denial.

The reality is change.  Knowing what to look for, and recognizing it’s occurring is the opportunity.  Finding the courage to take the step forward and question if the message is still valid is not common in many organizations.  Taking action on such a realization is even harder.

It’s easier for an outsider to critique.  The ability to accept outside recommendations on direction accomplishes multiple things without everyone realizing what’s happening…at least not right away.  The organization gets a small glimpse of what it needs to do. It feels better about change.  Leadership doesn’t have to take a leadership role, and doesn’t have to discipline anyone for challenging or stepping outside the control structure.

The point in all of this is that it’s easy to see how we get caught up in how change can be bad, that it’s far easier to stay the course we think is right rather than taking a step away and looking at our goals from a fresh perspective.  To stop, listen, learn something we didn’t know (maybe many somethings), and then try something new.  Its not hard to try – and an entire organization doesn’t need to be involved at the start, but someone does need to take the initiative.

Will it be you? I hope so.

Photo courtesy of Dru!

Sample the Local Flavor

I’ve been doing a lot of local networking this past month & and have met so many talented people.  With the exception of SOBCon08 at the beginning of the month, most of the events I’ve been to and people I’ve met have been local.

What I’ve found in this very busy month, has been a consistent mix of people from all sorts of industries and business fields all looking for new ways to connect with each other.  The main interest these folks have, is to find better ways to connect with their audience.

The most fascinating part for me recently, is just how much talent there is right here in my home town.  I’ve no illusions of Minneapolis being a center of cutting edge web 2.0 startups.  However, there is a rich history of successful, community-oriented and customer focused organizations that developed here and still call Minnesota home.

That, in combination with strong focuses on healthcare, non-profit, educational, and retail markets makes it a progressive environment.  Minneapolis has a diverse, knowledgeable, community-driven population of professionals that are looking to enhance their interactions with clients & peers.  They’re engaged in improving their game and providing improved services to their customers.

It’s this excitement that I hadn’t seen until recently.  The interest in making things happen is here, the knowledge to do it is here, and the determination to push boundaries is also part of this community.  I’m looking forward to continuing to look for ways to make things happen, to find those talented individuals who share this vision.  To make sure that they find ways to reach the right people with their ideas, and solve real problems that aren’t being addressed today.

Have you tasted the local flavor in your community?  I urge you to get involved.  Find a way to get yourself in the process, find how you can bring value and help build something for your community or customers.  How are you getting things started in your community?

Photo credit: strange librarian

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