Communication, or the lack thereof

'Communication Problem' by JoshFlassbind.comSo an interesting thing happened yesterday. I failed at something I know how to do.

It’s easy to let happen, get too many things demanding too much attention and you take your eye off the ball. Something we help our clients work through and watch out for, and here I did the classic lack of communication mistake.

It should be okay, I mean, that happens to everyone.

And it does. However, the real issue here is that I let myself get distracted from what I’ve been thinking about for some time, and that’s really the ‘shame on me’ part.

When you’re passionate about something and really want to make something more of it, you need to communicate, and do so often so there’s no confusion to the intention and direction you’re going. That is the classic, ultimate rule and one should stick to that as closely as is possible.

So, instead of working on those things that would move the ball down the field, I spent yesterday answering questions and putting out fires that needn’t have been. A blog post, an email blast and some tweets pointing folks to that information would have put much of the discussion to rest before it started.

Live and learn I suppose. Take my lesson (really, please take it – I’ll sell cheap) and learn from it instead of making the same mistake yourself. Call if you have questions, I’m still always learning and love to share those things I learn.

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Monday, Monday

And it is.  As with most things that "go wrong", it’s usually self-induced.  Today I realized after placing the "work" laptop into the port replicator that I somehow mucked up the system last Friday.

I do remember what I did too!  I was working on one of my test distribution systems and created a Windows PE (a special version of Windows used by companies and hardware vendors to install Windows itself) boot CD, and during the process accidentally installed the boot files on my work laptop!

I knew it when I did it and I should’ve taken the 30 minutes right then that afternoon to correct my mistake.  But alas, I thought I’d take care of it in the morning… this morning to be exact.  Of course, I had 2 days to forget all about it too!

Anyway, happy Monday folks.

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