50 Uses for Twitter

twitter Awhile back, I’d started a list of "101 Uses for Twitter", but never seemed to get past 27 for some reason.  Of course, it had been last autumn since I brainstormed on it.  While I don’t think that I personally could come up with 101 uses, I’m sure there are many more than that.

So I thought about this again for awhile this morning and did think of 50 uses that I’ve seen or participated in.  So here is a list of 50 uses for Twitter, I’m thinking of more as I write this, so maybe there is a chance at that "101" post sometime.

  1. Keep in touch with my Twitter peeps friends
  2. General news item links
  3. News & links on my industry or area of interest
  4. Fast answers to quick questions
  5. Professional networking
  6. Links to nearly everything
  7. Marketing
  8. Personal branding
  9. Corporate & product branding
  10. Haiku’s
  11. Making friends
  12. Feel "plugged into the web and it’s various personalities"
  13. Replacement for instant messaging applications
  14. Chat tool
  15. Promotional tool for my blog
  16. Providing new reading opportunities
  17. Fun stuff!
  18. Meeting new, interesting people to communicate with
  19. Collecting links
  20. Finding sites related to social networking
  21. "To listen in on my contacts rants"
  22. A web worker "water cooler"
  23. Micro-blogging
  24. A personal "techmeme"
  25. Lightweight text broadcasting tool
  26. Easy way to annoy your spouse
  27. Promotional tool for my brand
  28. Ranting
  29. Idea generator
  30. No-cost non-profit announcement system
  31. Bring a sense of community to your home office
  32. Tracking status of friends
  33. Status message generator for other social networks
  34. Frustration generator (at least when it is down)
  35. Thought publisher
  36. Promotional tool for my organization
  37. Following public discussions
  38. Travel guide
  39. Controlled discussion between friends
  40. Uncontrolled discussion between friends with viewers
  41. List generator
  42. Meeting agenda generator
  43. Coffee shop locator
  44. People search
  45. Promotional tool for my company
  46. Product reviews
  47. Trip planner
  48. Backchannel for events
  49. Feedback generator
  50. Authentication mechanism

So what are you uses for Twitter?  I’m sure I didn’t capture them all, so add your ideas and things you use Twitter for below.

Who Owns Your Name?

"a true generic brand" by shazam791 Do you, or does someone else? There is some growing interest in the Personal Branding space on scenarios of people with the same name. I was fortunate enough to have a great conversation on the topic with Kristen King of BizChicksRule which she turned into What if Your Name Is Jenna Jameson? Personal Branding and Owning Your Space.

Now I was trying to figure out how to write a post with a reference to a porn star, but Kristen was able to do so in a really professional way. For anyone looking for tips on dealing with people sharing Google juice with another person, you need to check out her post.

Bigger Picture

This also brings up the broader question of Personal Branding itself. As you work to establish your brand, even a unique name, are you using the tools that available to you?  There are many ways to promote your brand, but you need to act early and hit everything available.  If you’re starting out building your brand, you need to be aggressive in going after the online properties that will not only represent you, but protect you from interlopers.  Either intentional or not, you don’t want someone with the same name from encroaching on your brand.

Don’t Get Lost

As for the photo above, it shows two problems.

  1. There is very little on either can to make it obvious at a glance as to which is which.  You really have to pay attention to get what you were looking for.
  2. There is nothing interesting to draw in a potential customer or lead.  Blah!  If this was your brand, you’d get lost in the crowd.  Believe me, it’s getting crowded out there.

When building your brand, you not only need to own your space, but you need to capture that which makes you special and valuable.  Otherwise, who cares if you’re sliced beets or sliced potatoes?

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Rick Mahn
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