Phil Gerbyshak Makes It Great

Last Friday I had a great opportunity to sit down with Phil Gerbyshak and talk about all sorts of things.  Mainly social media and current themes or ideas that are going on, but also about what he’s doing in Milwaukee.

image You see, Phil figured out awhile ago what a lot of this means, and has been moving ever closer to going freelance and helping companies do what he does best: Make It Great.  It’s more than a catch phrase, it’s really about perspective and choices we make.

A couple years back, Phil wrote the book Make It Great.  From that inspiration and work, he’s developed a philosophy around doing things right, listening, and helping others do the same. That’s what he’s out to do in about a month.

About two months ago (or so), Phil decided to break away from corporate America and do what he’s best at – sharing his knowledge on social media with organizations who want to do things the right way, by listening to employees and customers, and letting them help guide the way an organization should work.

Here’s an interview I did with Phil on the topic of going independent and about his Make It Great philosophy. (Don’t worry, my camera work should get better in the future – I hope 😉

Here’s some links to Phil Gerbyshak & his work.

So, thank you Phil for the chance to have time to talk the invitation to visit you in Milwaukee soon, and the insight into how to make what I do even better.  I truly appreciate it.

Out for Lunch – Exercising Mobile Kit

I’m sitting at Starbucks having a Venti Mocha Frappuccino, yes a quad-shot, and working online with my MDA based mobile kit. I know I keep threatening to post a picture of what I use as my micro-mobile kit – I promise to try and get that posted befor my trip next week.
On other topics, I’ve been working the Avatar Consultants site over the weekend and have Joomla live on the site now. There is quite a bit of work to go before it’s fully up to speed, but the base platform is up and running. More later.
Also, I’ve got a small lead on a consulting gig with a small company in the northern suburbs of MPLS here – may be a good launchpad for AC, or it may amount to nothing either. We’ll see.
As I use my “micro-mobile” kit, I am getting more and more enamored by it – small, light and addresses about 85% or better of what I need to do online. It was a great move last year to move everything to web-based services. Working very well when mobile!
Well, more updates later! 🙂

Microsoft Lunch at the Launch

Yeah, why not blog about lunch. Cold turkey sandwich and a cookie.

The morning sessions was pretty good, the Vista/Office deployment features look like they’ll be usable. The Exchange Server Efficiency session was neat as well. We’ll have to include some of the topics they talked about, but we’re already on top of some other common items that you can do in 2003.

The afternoon session’s should be interesting as well; SharePoint, Vista/Office operational efficiency, one on Compliance, search, unified communications, data visualization, and project & portfolio management.

ScobleShow’s exclusive lunch with Bill Gates at CES 2007

How did I miss this? Robert Scoble captured the visit that Bill Gates had with a number of technology and gadget sites.

Some of the sites participating in the discussion are Engadget, Gizmodo, Kotaku, and Joystiq.

The discussion was fantastic in the depth of categories of technology covered. As usual, Bill Gates is a fascinating person with some great ideas of where technology is or should be going. Good stuff – and the best part being a short discussion of Bill’s fun with his Porsche 911 in Albuquerque in the late ’70s. 🙂
Also, if you haven’t seen Robert’s work at PodTech, you should check out his ScobleShow site – there is a lot of great information he’s got posted.

Via: ScobleShowExclusive lunch with Robert Scoble and Bill Gates

Out for lunch

I’ve made it out the door for lunch for once, a good time to catch up on some RSS feed reading!

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