Social Media Breakfast with Jeff Pulver

Jeff PulverGuess what, my social media friends in Minneapolis & St. Paul? Jeff Pulver is going to be hosting a Breakfast with Jeff Pulver and Friends here in the Twin Cities on Nov. 20th, courtesy of Best Buy.

In place of our regular Social Media Breakfast – Twin Cities, everyone is invited to join Jeff Pulver for breakfast at the Best Buy headquarters campus in Richfield, MN.  We’ve booked space in the large atrium dining & conference area at Best Buy called “Sandy’s Place” and will have room for quite a few more folks than we’ve had in the past.

coffee cupI’m glad to be able to work with Jeff and Best Buy to bring this opportunity to MSP – our social media community is quite active and has gotten a bit of notice these last few months. Jeff’s version of a social media breakfast will include a number of fun differences from our previous events such as live social tagging, and the personal social networking toolkit.


Registration for this event is through Facebook, which is probably the easiest way to keep up with Jeff Pulver in any case. This will require a registration process on Facebook if you don’t already have one, but if you’re at all interested in learning more about social media and social networking, you should have one anyway.

Click here to RSVP for the Minneapolis Breakfast on Facebook

Personal Social Networking Toolkit

Introducing the Personal Social Networking Toolkit There are some great things that Jeff does at each of his breakfasts, and has a video primer that will get up up to speed on Facebook, here.

There will be a social networking toolkit for each attendee, so be sure to check out the video above on how it all works.

While this is really Jeff’s breakfast, we’ll chalk this one up as SMB – Twin Cities 9, since this was the original timeframe for our event in November.  We’ll have the same opportunities for networking and sharing ideas, and trust me, Jeff is looking forward to meeting folks from Minneapolis & St. Paul and building relationships with the community here.

You can find Jeff Pulver on Facebook and his blog.

Photo credit: Jeff Pulver

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Jeff Pulver asks: If you are NOT an Entrepreneur and if you work for a Corporation, why did YOU choose this career path?

career Wow for a long post title eh?

While this was a follow-up for a question Jeff had on Wednesday, it really started me thinking…

First the question:

If you’re NOT an entrepreneur, if YOU work for a corporation and have spent your career as an employee, why have YOU made that choice?

I suspect that many people either are unaware of their true capabilities, or are comforted by the “feeling of security” a corporation can offer.

Personally, I have chosen to take the other path – for good or bad.  It’s hard to work without a net, but at the same time I CAN SEE the opportunities that did not seem obvious before.

So, I can’t answer Jeff’s question – I simply want to follow the more interesting drummer.

Via: The Jeff Pulver Blog – Today’s Question of the Day: If you are NOT an Entrepreneur and if you work for a Corporation, why did YOU choose this career path?

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