Intel’s XScale on the selling block

Ed Hardy over at is reporting that Intel is planning to sell it’s XScale line of processors. The XScale line has long been used in mobile devices, from Pocket PCs & Smartphones, to Palm and BlackBerry devices.

Marvell Technology Group, Ltd. is the company that will be purchasing the devision, along with about 1,400 employees that will make the transition to the new company.

The immediate impact on the XScale line & its direction is unknown, but it is my opinion that Intel just wasn’t focusing a lot of attention on expanding the capabilities of the line of processors. Maybe Marvell will be able to take the chip to another level of integration and features that could leverage more functionality for all of us in the end.

Intel Unveils New Brand Identity

Intel Unveils New Brand Identity
With the coming launch of new product brands, Intel is launching a new brand identity that they believe will better represent the company as they position themselves as a market-driven platform solutions company.

“‘Intel. Leap ahead.’ is a simple expression that declares who we are and what we do,” said Eric Kim, Intel senior vice president and general manager of the Sales and Marketing Group. “This is part of our heritage. Our mission at Intel has always been to find and drive the next leap ahead – in technology, in education, social responsibility, manufacturing and more – to continuously challenge the status quo. It’s about using Intel technology to make life better, richer and more convenient for everyone.”

There is also a “Brand Architecture” PDF as well, which details the new product brand lines coming up in the near future.

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