Happy Thanksgiving 2007

I’d like to wish you all a day filled with good times and fond memories.  Spending time with family and friends, and acknowledging all that we have to be thankful for in our lives.

We all have the gift of life, most of us the fortune of good health.  We have family, friends and people we care about.  We have the ability to support ourselves, and more importantly, the ability to help others who cannot.

We have varied and impressive talents to put to good use.  We have people who look up to us.  We have the opportunity to make peace in the world.  We have the opportunity to make friends.

Though this is mainly a U.S. holiday, I wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving – for all the reasons both you and I can think of.  Wherever we live, whatever our politics, across all religions – we have many things to be thankful for.

So take the time today, don’t rush through it.  Take time to remember all the things that we’re thankful for and find ways to help others where they need it.

Thank you for stopping by today!


Memorial Day 2007

Flag of The United States of AmericaToday is Memorial Day here in the U.S., a day in which we honor the lives and service of our men & women who have, and continue to, protect this great country.

In the last year or two, I’ve made an effort to thank every veteran that I get to meet.  Today I want to take this post and thank everyone who has served in the U.S. military at any level, protecting our country and bringing freedom and opportunity to the oppressed around the world.

Simply all I can say is…

Thank you.

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