Independence Day 2014

Old Glory, Patriotic Rustic Peeling American Flag, The Stars & Stripes, Red, White, Blue, on Wood

Happy 4th of July!

I absolutely love finding versions of our flag that exist all around the country. I’ve seen this picture many times, but thought I’d share it this year. Finding truthfully represented versions of our flag painted on barns and shops or signs is pretty cool to see. Especially the one’s that have a little age on them. Not sure why, but it makes them even more endearing to me. Maybe it’s because everything on the Internet is just a little to precise, a little to perfect. We all look better with a little age on us.

Happy Birthday America!

Photo Credit: Beverly & Pack via Compfight cc

Social Media Breakfast – Holiday Edition 2008

Hi everyone! I thought I’d let you know about the upcoming Social Media Breakfast – Twin Cities on December 19th.  It’s a Holiday version of the event, meant to be fun and unstructured.

Lake Elmo Inn Event Center - Lobby We will be meeting at the Lake Elmo Inn Event Center, where we’ll have a full breakfast buffet with all your breakfast favorites (including bacon!), served during the entire event.  The Lake Elmo Inn has great food, and is a consistent reader’s choice winner in Mpls./St. Paul Magazine, with great facilities and excellent food.

This is a pay event and costs $20 per person. Registration will be open through Dec. 16th and there are only 60 seats available, so don’t wait! Click Here to Register

We’ll be having a great morning with the story of Ratchet, related by Katie Konrath.  If you didn’t hear the story, it’s one of community, social media, and compassion coming together to make something happen.  One of the great examples of our interest and commitment to social media on a personal level.

Also, we will have an “open mic” for you to share your stories from past events, or to talk about things that Social Media Breakfast has enabled for you.  Tell folks what exciting new ideas you’re working on  or what you do.

Along with that, we’ll have much more time to talk and trade stories on a more intimate setting, with smaller groups and less pressure to adhere to an agenda.  Bring your ideas or stories and share with the folks at your table or the one next to you.

Lake Elmo Inn Event Center - Main Room

So come enjoy our most exciting event, our 10th event in Minneapolis & St. Paul, our first full breakfast, and probably the best chance to simply connect with more of the SMBMSP crowd than you’ve had a chance to previously.

I look forward to seeing everyone who can make it!  If you want to make it, but don’t have a ride lined up, direct message or “@” smbmsp on Twitter and we’ll do our best to connect a some folks together

Friday, December 19th, 2008 from 8am to 10am

Lake Elmo Inn Event Center
3712 Layton Ave. N.
Lake Elmo, MN 55402
View Larger Map

Welcome back, Joanna Young

A special note to a blogging friend in Scotland this morning. Joanna Young, the Confident Writing coach, has been offline for a bit during a move to a new place. Everyone on Twitter has missed Joanna’s wit and wisdom these last couple weeks and certainly welcome her back from her Twitter holiday.

For those bloggers getting started and looking for tips, ideas, inspiration and more related to writing, I really recommend checking out Joanna’s blog. Many great folks from Twitter also participate in the comments and the many writing projects that Joanna leads up. It makes for quite a bit of fun!

Welcome back Joanna, we’re glad to see you back on the Blog and on Twitter – hope the move went well!

Campfire Computing

That about sums up what I’m doing this weekend. Amy and I decided at the last minute on Thursday to pack the camping equipment up and head out… and so we did. There’s been much fun just doing the usual thing of getting away and relaxing all the while.

Internet access is of course spotty, so I connect with my phone if at all, and decided to post a quick note. I wish I would have crafted the 4th of July post that I wanted to put together, but instead spent Thursday evening packing the SUV and trading stories with the family on the drive out. I think I chose wisely.

So here we are, somewhere in northern Wisconsin, watching the campfire and enjoying the quiet randomness of life that is too easily ignored. I wish you the best this holiday weekend, and look forward to getting back in touch on Monday.


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Rick Mahn
Old Glory, Patriotic Rustic Peeling American Flag, The Stars & Stripes, Red, White, Blue, on Wood
Lake Elmo Inn Event Center - Lobby
Lake Elmo Inn Event Center - Main Room
Lucky enough to catch another awesome sunset.
First upgrade if the year. Installed the Premium Tour Console today.
Got a nice ride in today. Might be the last for 2019.
Oh yes I did!
Winter cribbage leagues starting early @l1lthumper
#smorelife 🔥
My kryptonite for tonight
Dinner with friends at Vino in the Valley.
#GoodVinoGoodViewGoodVibe #VinoInTheValley #MaidenRock #Wisconsin
Mint Julip... Fantastic
Muddled the mint this year instead of putting it in the simple syrup. #teethstrainer #kentuckyderby #drinks #iwharper15
A new bourbon... Smooth. #iwharper15 #drinks
At eagle bluff lighthouse
Turning 50... Was time to upgrade the ride.
Sunset in the side mirror. #sunsets
Gin & Tonic...
With Cedar Boreal Gin and grapefruit instead of the traditional gin and lime. #vikredistillery #borealgin
Flight of great beers at Lucette Brewing in Menomonie, WI.
Labor Day Weekend
Unfortunately, none were crossing. 😁
Labor Day Weekend
Gotta Love a classic Colman stove.