Changing of Eras?

'Old & New Halftoned' by zizzybaloobah Is the era of traditional broadcast media nearing an end?  You’ve heard and read that question and the supporting arguments for the last few years.  You’ve also heard the rebuttals and talking points from either side of this intriguing debate.

What I posit is that these are simply “after the fact” arguments and that this particular corner was turned a few years ago.

It’s called convergence, and it usually occurs without much fanfare at the time of the actual change.  Its usually afterward when people, companies, heck even governments, belatedly realize that they are no longer of any relative value to what they used to be.

Many new tings happening in the economy are pointing to the reality that we’re smack-dab in the middle of the re-adjustment to this new business environment.  The number of companies looking into social media, and realizing the parallels to previous challenges.  Exploring the new tools to old problems and the possibilities they offer to those willing to invest the time and money with open minds to the change that is occurring.

The recent NYTimes article $200 Laptops Break a Business Model is a great example of the awakening to this new reality.  Consumers have change – and not just any consumer.  The next big wave of consumers after the baby boomers.  The consumers that are even now shaping the future economy has they have recent politics.

The future is much different from a consumers perspective.  The tried and true models don’t always apply, especially where consumer electronics and consumable services are concerned.  The challenge is to recognize that you’re business model is hopelessly stuck in the 20th century, look at how people are consuming your product, and adjust to meet them there.

I’ve argued, like many, that the recording industry (hey they make it easy to pick on them), should drop any pretense of rights management and offer every music track at $.25 (U.S.), make them so much ridiculously easy to buy that it’s too much work to pirate.  Make them available in every format and simply realize profits through sheer volume rather than maintaining some false price-point per CD that they believe they need to hit.  Turn around and make the CD-ROM a premium product that I would seek out for something special.  Like the 1986 Bruce Springsteen album Live ‘75 to ‘85 boxed set – make it worth spending money on the extras, because whether you like it or not you can find all the tracks online.

Like many I often wonder if I even need a television any longer.  Sure I veg out in front of an HD CSI:Miami marathon like anyone else might.  However, I also am finding more and more of the media I REALLY want to watch online.  From movies to TV shows, to music, and of course books, magazines, blogs, etc…  All I really need is a big, fast, fat pipe into the Internet.  Everything else just gets in the way.

To this end, big, fast, expensive computers are overkill for the needs of the average person who just wants to consume and participate in online media.  The changes aren’t over either, but the biggest of them are now a matter of history that we can debate as we all like to do.

Photo credit: zizzybaloobah

rickmahn-hr My apologies for the long, somewhat redundant post, but I’m working my way back to a regular blogging schedule.  This and several upcoming posts are part of that process.  Things that I’ve needed to write about for months are just now coming out.  Some are timely, some a bit behind the times, but all relevant to me.  Thanks for reading.

Pressure… it doesn’t work

Release the pressure by Scribblings of Light I have to take a minute and talk about the atmosphere that I’ve been working in as a consultant for the last eight months.  It’s  been an unbelievable stressful environment.  Why have I stuck with it?  Guess I’ve fallen into that rut of feeling like I need to be “responsible” and keep the nose to the grindstone – or something like that.

The reality, of course, is that this particular contract has taken more of my time, energy, and attention to participate in this environment.  More than I would like to admit to friends and family – though they can probably tell from my blogging tempo at the very least.

That’s the rub too isn’t it?  Coworkers who’ve been in their particular pressure cooker don’t see it for what it really is.  Or is it easier from an outside perspective to criticize what you perceive is wrong and how it contributes the behaviors you observe?

At any rate, I’m finding the pressure of my current contract to be more than I desire to maintain.  There are options to follow up on, and directions to pursue.  Despite the news you hear from the mainstream media, there just seems to be an avalanche of opportunities out there if you’re watching for them.

So instead of stewing here in the juices of an unhappy circumstance, I’m off to change the future once again.  Why don’t you join me?

Photo credit: Scribblings of Light

Happiness CCXCV

Looking forward to the future, yet nostalgic for the past… wishing with the rest of humanity that there really is a mix of both.

Thoughts on Social Media Careers

My Career Path in Ten Words by Jay Dugger I’ve been working in the technology field for a long time and the thing that really keeps me engaged is the fact that it’s always changing.  Technology evolves and there is a constant need to be upgrading or planning on upgrading.  It’s made a great career for myself with a number of great projects and experiences that I can look back on with fond memories.

"IT" as it’s called has also enabled me to push boundaries that were uncomfortable for me, allowing me to grow and continue to learn about things that I needed to but was uninterested in. To my mind, this is what a career should deliver; experiences, personal growth, team participation, leadership, and providing a decent living for a family. This is something that a technology career has rewarded me with for my investment.

So with that knowledge, experience and expectation, I wonder just how big the social media market is for it’s practitioners. As every site integrates more social media and "web 2.0" technologies and methods, how will social media professionals remain in demand? Ensuing generations will be even more well versed in the concepts, tools, technologies than even the much celebrated millennials today.

As the online world continues to circle around and pick up the once-forgotten "human face" that it lacked in the .com boom/bust, it becomes harder to distinguish just what a social media professional is.  I fear that most of them will simply be absorbed into the existing professions as Marketing and Public Relations – already, the social media sphere is mostly made up of this demographic.

Am I off base here or is there really a career path for social media specialists or professionals as we know them today? Or will it just become another skill listed by bullet point on the resume of future marketing professionals? What do you think?

Photo credit: Jay Dugger

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