Fujitsu P1610 Now Shipping with Vista Business

Fujitsu P1610 I’ll admit I’ve been linking to jkOnTheRun a lot for news lately, but James and Kevin are simply on top of everything a mobile pro needs.  I’ve been following James Kendrick’s use of his P1610 for several months and have to admit it’s currently my top choice for my next computer.  My second choice would be a Samsung Q1P which happens to be Kevin Tofel’s current machine.

I’ll claim not to be a follower, but the P1610 has just crossed another threshold that makes it a sure bet for me.  Fujitsu is now shipping the device with Windows Vista Business as an option to Windows XP.  This is great news as James has talked about audio driver issues (here, herehere, and here) with his from-scratch Vista install.  Hopefully, these are resolved in the shipping OEM install.

Via: jkOnTheRunFujitsu P1610 now available with Vista

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Rick Mahn
Fujitsu P1610
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