Happiness Under Construction

I don’t know if anyone’s been wondering yet, but I thought I’d let you know that my “Happiness” series of posts is being moved to it’s own location.  I’ve still got a bit of work to separate out the 300+ posts into it’s own database, so I’m not posting more to it at the moment.  I hope to change that in the next week, and have Happiness as a tab or sub-site of by blog here at rickmahn.com.

Please feel free to let me know of what you’d like to see as I work on improving these posts.  More often? More types of media? Less frequent?  I’d love to learn what you’d like to see in the future for Happiness.

Kind Regards,

Rick Mahn

Happiness CCCXIV

Reaching out and learning new things from people I didn’t know I needed to learn from.

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Rick Mahn
Lucky enough to catch another awesome sunset.
First upgrade if the year. Installed the Premium Tour Console today.
Got a nice ride in today. Might be the last for 2019.
Oh yes I did!
Winter cribbage leagues starting early @l1lthumper
#smorelife 🔥
My kryptonite for tonight
Dinner with friends at Vino in the Valley.
#GoodVinoGoodViewGoodVibe #VinoInTheValley #MaidenRock #Wisconsin
Mint Julip... Fantastic
Muddled the mint this year instead of putting it in the simple syrup. #teethstrainer #kentuckyderby #drinks #iwharper15
A new bourbon... Smooth. #iwharper15 #drinks
At eagle bluff lighthouse
Turning 50... Was time to upgrade the ride.
Sunset in the side mirror. #sunsets
Gin & Tonic...
With Cedar Boreal Gin and grapefruit instead of the traditional gin and lime. #vikredistillery #borealgin
Flight of great beers at Lucette Brewing in Menomonie, WI.
Labor Day Weekend
Unfortunately, none were crossing. 😁
Labor Day Weekend
Gotta Love a classic Colman stove.