FeedBurner-Google Migration Complete

This was a frustrating experience, but in the end worked out like it should.  I have to admit that the actual migration by FeedBurner to using my Google account went well, and the existing feeds redirected to the new FeedBurner/Google domain that handles them.

The biggest issues for me were the longer-than-expected reader-count anomaly, and the not-so-exact steps involved to redirect the “MyBrand” URLs to the new feed domain.

Finally, nearly a week after move the feeds over, the reader count is approaching where it used to be.  One or two days eh? HA!

Also, it took a bit of digging to find out the real trick to re-enabling the “MyBrand” configuration for my FeedBurner account.  It after getting DNS changes made, and validating the FeedBurner MyBrand configuration, it turns out that you should also disable the service, then re-enable it.  What’s with that?

Anyway, the feeds are finally redirected correctly, both existing ones that folks were using and the links here on the blog.  Sorry for any strange feed behavior in the last week – I totally didn’t expect it to happen.

GoDaddy: isn’t your goto-daddy today!


There, I’ve gotten that off my chest. Usually I jump on my blog early in the day and check up on a few things. You know, like comments, spam, outdated plugins, incoming links, etc… Then come back later in the day and, hopefully, get a post written and posted a couple times a week. Of course, I’ve been quite lax in that area lately. 😉

So this evening, I go to log into my blog and I get this:


I dig a little deeper and find that the entire godaddy.com site, services, and everyone who hosts their sites with them is offline. Heck, even TechCrunch was unreachable for me – are they on GoDaddy too?

Apparently GoDaddy is the exclusive registrar for the new .me TLD domains, and many in the blogosphere are pointing to the massive registration and failure of correct billing of these new domains. I can’t find enough time at this point this evening to really give a good account of what’s really going on. All I’m reading is people’s experiences and their frustrations, so I’ll hold off on drawing any conclusions.

At this point, about 9:00PM (CT), I’m not really upset yet. Sure, my blog is down – all my sites are down actually – but I really don’t know the facts, and I can’t blame people for things without knowing the whole story. As an IT pro – I’m continuously amazed that all this stuff works in the first place, so I’m not too surprised when a complex operation or an overabundance of traffic takes a site or service down. Don’t tell anyone, but it’s figuring out the reasons that these things happen is the puzzles that I really love to solve most. 😉

So I’m writing this post offline and will upload later when GoDaddy is back – hope it’s tonight. My comment to the team at GoDaddy right now: don’t rush, you’ve got a big outage – take the time you need to be able to come back at or near 100%. Good luck!

UPDATE: Just as I finished this post, up came GoDaddy.

UPDATE 2: I got a friendly call on Friday (July 18th) from GoDaddy’s “office of the President” from a fellow named Alon. Nice guy, he explained the challenges that GoDaddy (and other registrars) faced when new TLDs were brought online with the large number of highly sought after domains.

We also talked about the outage that I (and many others) suffered through when we couldn’t access our hosted sites. It seems that the problem was actually with Comcast and their network. Appearantly (and I have yet to verify this, but have heard rumblings about it) Comcast had a trunk issue in their network that affected customers in the midwest that affected their ability to access many sites that appear to be hosted in the Pheonix area. Strange stuff, but it happens.

So I was right, I didn’t have the whole story – still don’t, but at least it’s starting to make a bit of sense.  Also, I see that this post is attracting a bit of attention for comment spammers. Just an FYI to those types of folks: I’m deleting any spam post, so move on.

Welcome to RickMahn.com!

Welcome to the culmination of my blogging efforts for the past year.  RickMahn.com is the place where I will talk about daily events in the technology space and blogosphere.  About work, a little about life, and sprinkled with a few rants on occasion.

The reason for starting a new blog is both simple and complex.  I’ve been using a number of blogging tools (Blogger, WordPress.com, MSN Spaces) with differing results.  I’ve come to the conclusion that Blogger.com currently was the most flexible, WordPress.com the most powerful, and MSN Spaces – well… oh my, look at the time.

So after a lot of research, learning new technologies, blogging, thinking, and figuring costs and such, I’ve set up shop here at www.rickmahn.com.  I’ll be here mostly every day posting on things that I find interesting, interacting in the blogosphere, commenting on others’ posts and so on.

So, come on back from time to time and check out what I’m doing – drop a line and let me know what’s good and what’s bad.  See ya round the ‘net!

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