Connecting People

'The making of- KPN'connecting people' by roel1943 If you’ve been blogging or interacting on social media sites for some time, you’ll know the real reason many people are interesting in social networking. It’s the people of course! The power of social media is in it’s ability to shrink borders, provide publishing & broadcasting platforms, and do so in ways that make it very easy for people to use them.

That’s what I find most interesting about social media, being able to see people meet, plan new things, and build new things. Sure I like to be part of it too, but my goal is to bring people together so they can find the resources, ideas, inspiration or whatever it is that they need. I like seeing people make that next leap, that next step.

Watching it happen with people all over the world is a great thing, but it’s just as fascinating to see it happening on the local level as well. It’s one of the most important aspects of the social web, and one that I believe that is taking parts of it mainstream. I always hesitate to mention “mainstream”, but I see more and more people experimenting, or starting to use some social features on product sites.

It’s great to see that happen, because as our modern neighborhoods have kind of closed in on themselves, becoming safer, more secure, the physical interaction has waned. So it’s great to see people coming back around and getting more interactive online. In doing so, it seems that they really start getting interested in socializing in person as well. So I think it really generates a lot of community building offline as well as online.

Photo credit: roel1943

Personal Broadcasting – now there are two

It didn’t take long for the concept of to be leveraged into a full service. came along a few months ago and has quite a following with rich content, and people like me who just broadcast while they’re working, just a live feed with little going on.

blogTV just entered public beta a few days ago and has some very interesting features that USTREAM currently doesn’t have.  One of them is the “co-host” feature that allows you to select a co-host and have them broadcast live audio & video alongside yours in a type of multipoint broadcast, pretty neat.  blogTV also allows has a fantastic “broadcast control panel” that allows you to see the video you are sending out along with the chat window and what other current live broadcasts are going on in your “channel”.

Personally I really like the polish that blogTV has put into their product, but currently use for my “live” show.  One of the nifty benefits that has over blogTV is the embedable code that allows you to embed the video feed into any web page you want.

For the time being, I’ll be using both services and evaluating the features as they mature to see what actually works best.  I’ve got some ideas for a number of “shows” and I may try to set them up to see how well it works.  I do recommend that anyone interested in creating a show try both services to see what works best for you.

Have you used either service (or others)?  Please let me know what you think of them or the idea of personal broadcasting in general.smile_regular

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Rick Mahn
'The making of- KPN'connecting people' by roel1943
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