Nov 18, 2009 | blog
Well its high time that I start posting the SMBMSP podcasts, as we continue to crank them out every month. A visit to good friend and fellow SMB organizer Mykl Roventine’s blog got me thinking I should start. So below are the show notes and podcast.
I’d like to mention that we’re holding a contest for a podcast theme song, and we discuss the details in this show. Along with Mykl Roventine is our producer, Brad Bellaver of Bellamedia and special guest Amy Bryant who wrote a fantastic Thanksgiving post on her blog last week.
We talk a bit about giving thanks and what we’re thankful Social Media has brought into our lives and experiences, so I hope you give it a listen. As always, feedback is very welcome.
You can find the podcast home page and information and feed links here.
SMBMSP November 2009 Podcast
Show Date: November 12th, 2009
Produced by BellaMedia –
Hosts: Brad Bellaver, Rick Mahn and Mykl Roventine
Special Guest: Amy Bryant
Links mentioned during the podcast:
Thankful post by Amy Bryant –
SMBMSP#21 info –
Our Podcast Theme Song Contest:
SMBMSP Ning network –
How are we doing? Please send feedback to
Dec 5, 2008 | blog
Hi everyone! I thought I’d let you know about the upcoming Social Media Breakfast – Twin Cities on December 19th. It’s a Holiday version of the event, meant to be fun and unstructured.
We will be meeting at the Lake Elmo Inn Event Center, where we’ll have a full breakfast buffet with all your breakfast favorites (including bacon!), served during the entire event. The Lake Elmo Inn has great food, and is a consistent reader’s choice winner in Mpls./St. Paul Magazine, with great facilities and excellent food.
This is a pay event and costs $20 per person. Registration will be open through Dec. 16th and there are only 60 seats available, so don’t wait! Click Here to Register
We’ll be having a great morning with the story of Ratchet, related by Katie Konrath. If you didn’t hear the story, it’s one of community, social media, and compassion coming together to make something happen. One of the great examples of our interest and commitment to social media on a personal level.
Also, we will have an “open mic†for you to share your stories from past events, or to talk about things that Social Media Breakfast has enabled for you. Tell folks what exciting new ideas you’re working on or what you do.
Along with that, we’ll have much more time to talk and trade stories on a more intimate setting, with smaller groups and less pressure to adhere to an agenda. Bring your ideas or stories and share with the folks at your table or the one next to you.
So come enjoy our most exciting event, our 10th event in Minneapolis & St. Paul, our first full breakfast, and probably the best chance to simply connect with more of the SMBMSP crowd than you’ve had a chance to previously.
I look forward to seeing everyone who can make it! If you want to make it, but don’t have a ride lined up, direct message or “@” smbmsp on Twitter and we’ll do our best to connect a some folks together
Friday, December 19th, 2008 from 8am to 10am
Lake Elmo Inn Event Center
3712 Layton Ave. N.
Lake Elmo, MN 55402
View Larger Map
Oct 27, 2008 | blog
Guess what, my social media friends in Minneapolis & St. Paul? Jeff Pulver is going to be hosting a Breakfast with Jeff Pulver and Friends here in the Twin Cities on Nov. 20th, courtesy of Best Buy.
In place of our regular Social Media Breakfast – Twin Cities, everyone is invited to join Jeff Pulver for breakfast at the Best Buy headquarters campus in Richfield, MN. We’ve booked space in the large atrium dining & conference area at Best Buy called “Sandy’s Place†and will have room for quite a few more folks than we’ve had in the past.
I’m glad to be able to work with Jeff and Best Buy to bring this opportunity to MSP – our social media community is quite active and has gotten a bit of notice these last few months. Jeff’s version of a social media breakfast will include a number of fun differences from our previous events such as live social tagging, and the personal social networking toolkit.
Registration for this event is through Facebook, which is probably the easiest way to keep up with Jeff Pulver in any case. This will require a registration process on Facebook if you don’t already have one, but if you’re at all interested in learning more about social media and social networking, you should have one anyway.
Click here to RSVP for the Minneapolis Breakfast on Facebook
Personal Social Networking Toolkit
There are some great things that Jeff does at each of his breakfasts, and has a video primer that will get up up to speed on Facebook, here.
There will be a social networking toolkit for each attendee, so be sure to check out the video above on how it all works.
While this is really Jeff’s breakfast, we’ll chalk this one up as SMB – Twin Cities 9, since this was the original timeframe for our event in November. We’ll have the same opportunities for networking and sharing ideas, and trust me, Jeff is looking forward to meeting folks from Minneapolis & St. Paul and building relationships with the community here.
You can find Jeff Pulver on Facebook and his blog.
Photo credit: Jeff Pulver
Sponsored by Best Buy
Oct 7, 2008 | blog
So I’m sitting here this fine, cool, wonderful Saturday morning, working on plans for the next four Social Media Breakfast – Twin Cities events thinking. There’s an energy here in the Northland that is hard to describe, but I know our fellow social web enthusiasts know what I’m talking about.
Even with the issues in the world-wide economy, I see energy and optimism that is a component of every entrepreneur. The ideas are fresh and honest, the kind that make you say “why didn’t I think of that� The atmosphere of these events engenders this kind of creativity, the kind that allows you cheer them on. The real work of meeting people, exchanging ideas and making things happen are as timeless as they are productive.
It’s because of these extraordinary meetups that drive me to continue to help make them happen. Realizing that this is something I enjoy only makes the effort that much more rewarding. So as we roll out the next several events, I wanted to take a minute and thank all the folks who visit and participate in these social media events. You are the reason we find value in getting together and sharing those ideas.
Oct 5, 2008 | blog
It’s time to start talking about the next SMB in Minneapolis/St. Paul! We’re going to be meeting at the Deluxe corporate headquarters in Shoreview, MN on Oct. 31st.
What better way to wrap up the month of October and start your Halloween weekend than to meet up with your local social media peeps? How about how about a chance to talk social media with the bestselling author of the hit book The New Rules of Marketing & PR: David Meerman Scott? In addition we’ll have a chance to talk with startup entrepreneur Steve Nielsen, President & CEO PartnerUp, a Deluxe Corporation Company.
The fine folks at Fallon will talk about their Twitter campaign for SciFi’s “Eureka”. Each attendee will get a free copy of David’s Book (up to 100 attendees), which he’ll be happy to sign — courtesy of our friends at New Horizons Computer Learning Centers.
Event Info:
- Where: Deluxe Corporate Headquarters, 3680 Victoria Street North, Shoreview, MN 55126 (Map it!)
- When: October 31st, 2008 from 8am to 10am
- David Meerman Scott – “Thought Leadership & Viral Marketing Strategist”
- Each attendee will get a free copy of David’s Book (up to
100 attendees), which he’ll be happy to sign — courtesy of
our friends at New Horizons Computer Learning Centers.
- Steve Nielsen, President & CEO PartnerUp, a Deluxe Corporation Company.
- Fallon folks talks about their Twitter campaign for SciFi’s “Eureka”
- Post-Networking with David, Steve, and everyone else!
- Our continuing conversation on social media in Minneapolis & St. Paul
RSVP at our EventBrite page: