New Blog

I’ve created another blog over at Checking out the different formatting options available – also can’t wait for the new features of Spaces to hit as well!


I’ve finally got around to customizing my blog here at Blogger! Neat stuff, and good flexibility compared to MSN Spaces. That is not to knock Spaces at all, it is maturing quite quickly – the differences are substantial, and I hope to make use of both services as I go forward.

First Post!

Just created a new blog here at Blogger – more to come.


No particular reason for this post – just a few thoughts about testing. Beta testing in particular. While I’ve been a beta tester for some time, the latest one that wrapped up in September was a bit of fun. It was for a mobile web site & services that were focused on mobile phones & PDAs. It was quite fun and as always a learning experience.
The past year, I’ve been increasing my beta testing for companies a bit and expanding form the Windows platform into the mobile space. Mobile devices are a great area to work in as it is constantly pushing the boundaries for size, speed, and functionality.
As we move into the future, I’m planning on participating in more testing scenarios and starting some of my own mobile projects. The mainstream PC market/environment is just that Mainstream, and is much to static at this point in time.
The vitality and spontaneous nature of the PC environment in the ’90s has faded drastically. Yeah XP was cool and Vista will be cool, but it will also be predictable – so is Linux and the Mac. The new generation of devices, the creativity, and interesting projects will be (are!) on a pocketable device that is wirelessly connected, performing all sorts of things for its owner withouth any intervention. This device will (is!) doing this in real-time while moving down the highway at 60mph.
Yeah a server somewhere is needed, a PC/Laptop, and some desktop software to support it – but the important part is the piece that never leaves its owners pocket. Whether its a phone or pda, or a combination of the two, the opportunity is there and testing the new stuff is my current piece of fun for the time being. Lots of new stuff coming to market around the world in the next 6-9mos, trust me.

More Rambling

You know, I spend a lot of posts just rambling on about nothing. Like this one. It is fun to have technology simply for its own sake. I’m a technologist at heart and simple enjoy playing with ‘stuff’.

Lot’s of fun.

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