Apr 9, 2006 | blog
Well, OK it may not be “new” news, but it had been awhile since I checked out the updates that coComment has been working on for their wonderful comment tracking service. Among the enhancements to already supported blogging software, they have added a Promotion page and an Integration page.
Both these pages have additional information on promoting their service and coComment functionality to additional blogging software. Go have a look when you get a chance.
Apr 6, 2006 | blog
Kent Newsome talks about having a dry spell in his blogging, and compares it too some similar dry spells he’s had in his song writing. It does seem like there is a lack of interesting content in the blogosphere lately, and he presents it in an interesting way.
Wish I had found this post earlier – I’m having a similar problem. Though I am trying to write a few reviews, it is still hard to find the motive to sit down and write, even when I’ve pre-selected the topic. Hopefully over the weekend, this will change a bit – relaxation always helps me.
Apr 4, 2006 | blog
Wow, I’ve been doing a lot of testing lately. In the past week, I’ve had 4 operating systems installed on my system for testing, investigating and learning. So now that I’ve gotten that work done, I’m re-installing my base build (again).
Instead of using the image I made late last summer, I’m going to start fresh (again), but try something completely new. During testing, I limited the amount of software that was installed, and really relied on more online functionality. That is what I’m going to do this time around.
- Office 2003? Nope.
- MSN or Google Toolbar? Nope.
- Digital Image Editor/Library? Nope.
So what will I install? Firefox, Thunderbird for EMail, Pluck for my aggregator, WinZip, SnagIt, and very little else. I’ve got most of my “heavy duty” software on my main machine and simple “remote desktop” into that PC to run what I need. Its also my main Audio/Video “server” system and hosts some Virtual systems.
My day-to-day machine will remain a simple uncluttered computing device. My inspiration for this was my T-Mobile MDA. I’ve been using my MDA for several weeks and have found that I can do with a lot less! And the best part of all?? This new configuration is FAST.
Apr 4, 2006 | blog
I’ve been putting off posting on the .mobi top level domain. I’m not sure yet… I do agree with Russell Beattie on his points of why its a “good thing”. Having a standard is very useful, as Russ points out, to be able to know that you can go to yoursite.mobi and have a mobile page formated correctly for your device.
It’ll be nice if it all works - sites need to adopt this for it to really become useful, and of course, every site needs to purchase another domain. This is the part that I really have an issue with. Why not simply have your site automatically reconfigure the output based on the resolution or browser string? Guess that makes too much sense.
Apr 2, 2006 | blog
A week ago, my manager pulls me aside and shows me a list of all the web sites that I had hit the previous month, since I was in the “Top 10” users of the ‘net that month. What makes me laugh about this is that I was not in the Top 10 for the previous few years! Also, the way our company “measures” Internet usage is inaccurate – the number of web hits in a month is meaningless – and this seems to be the only measurement they are using. What about amount of data transferred per site, or the amount of time per site?
Anyway, the gist of all this is that after explaining why my usage is “up” and why I expected it to go much higher, is from the use of RSS feeds. Once she understood what RSS was, she asked if I would present an overview at our next team meeting at the end of April. So I’m going to start reviewing low/no cost RSS readers over the next few weeks. The emphasis will be on ease of use, features, cost, performance. I’ll try to be impartial, but I’ll admit up front that I’ve been using RSS/ATOM/XML aggregators for over 2 years now and have found what works for me – though I’m always looking for something better.
So watch over the next several weeks, I’ll have some reviews up for your review!