Back to a connection

Well, I’m back from our mini-getaway feeling refreshed, and glad to have a fast connection to the ‘Net again.

While I was out of range, I had a chance to think a bit about what I’m trying to accomplish with my blog here.  I’ll be talkiing about that in another post, but in a nutshell I’m going to change how I blog a bit, it’ll be more focused on my perspective rather than continuting to point all over the place without a plan.

Until later!

Mobile Posting

So after last night I wanted to compare the posting experience on the Blackberry to my MDA. It is similar, though the biggest difference is in the keyboard and the network speed. I had not had the opportunity to use my MDA in this area yet, and I have found that there is only GPRS available. oh well. I have to say that I enjoy the keyboard on the MDA better, however it seems the 7250 Blackberry renders the screen better.
I’ve got to adjust the layout in Opera on the MDA as its really hard to see what I’m writing.

Blogging Momentum

Darren Rowse talks about Maintaining Momentum in Blogging today.  This is a welcome discussion as I have been having trouble finding time and energy to get past a ‘bloggers block’ I’m having.  Its inspirational enough that I’m actually getting a bit more excited trying to work through some of the site issues I’m having with Snowmoblog – RSS XML generated by WordPress won’t verify, my graphic work is as lame as I expected (Dave H. I may give you a call), and I need to upgrade the hosting service – to name a few.

Not to mention that its been hard to find time to properly review the BlackBerry units I’m working on at work.  See this is the real issue – I’ve got some good plans for larger posts, but am having trouble finding the time to commit to writing them.  Work is a real drain right now – and it may be because of th weather, I’m not really sure.

Anyhoo, enough of these sorry excuses, I’ve got a lot of work to do and it needs to be done.  The family and I are taking a few days out of the week and heading north for a quick getaway – just a little ‘pine time’ as the saying goes around here.

Just as I was posting, Darren posted part II in this series.  In this post he posits several good tips on maintaining the focus needed for building a good blogging rythum.  After reading the entire post, I can really see where I’ve made a few ‘classic’ mistakes in following some good advice.  More opportunity to regain focus and move forward.  Thank you Darren!

Backup My Blog!

Ok, here is a neat new service: BackupMyBlog

TechCrunch has the details on the new service that is currently in beta.  The BackupMyBlog service performs an automated backup of your blog once a day.  The service will then email you a status report on the backup.

Great stuff, I’m trying it out on to see how the service performs and evaluate the reporting features.  Should be interesting, I’ve been looking for this type of service for awhile.

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