Aug 21, 2006 | blog
Robert has another great discussion going on his blog. Seems that a Windows Live team member was bragging a bit.
Yesterday someone who works on the Windows Live team was taunting me with “influentials don’t matter, we got to be #1 and we don’t care that there aren’t any influential bloggers using our stuff.â€
Boy, this person didn’t think ahead when they spouted off. Its about time we take a closer look at Msft’s claim to be the largest blogging host in the world. They very well may be, but I also take issue with their argument that all the Live Spaces are really blogs.
Robert is on a mission to identify a more realistic understanding of what is the real makeup of Live Spaces compared to more traditional blogging platforms like TypePad and WordPress.
Today I see that George Moore, General Manager of Windows Live, just told a crowd in New Zealand that Windows Live is “now the largest blogging service on the planet.†At least according to Richard MacManus, who I’ve found to accurately report past events, and who is at TechED in New Zealand.
What do you think, is Live Spaces a serious blogging platform, or is it a social networking environment like My Space?
Link to Scobleizer – Tech Geek Blogger » Is Microsoft really the largest blog vendor?
Aug 21, 2006 | blog
I’m not going to say that I’m back into the blogging grove, but something happened when I got home tonight. Just seemed like the right time to pound through some posts.
I don’t know how many I’ve written tonight for both sites, but I’ve got a good rhythm going so I’ll try to get some items posted. Not sure that I’ll feel the same way the rest of the week, but we’ll see how it goes.
I’ve got an idea or two that I’m going to try to incorporate into my schedule this week to see how it goes. One of the things I’ve tried to do (and failed) is to get out of the office during lunch to get a fresh perspective. I used to do this a lot before we moved into the city, and something that I hope to get back to once we leave the city.
The day always goes a little smoother when you leave the office for an hour and have some time to think, thrash to some tunes, or simply watch the clouds go by. We’ll see if I can keep making the time to do that.
Aug 17, 2006 | blog
That is what I’m finding I need to do here. I’ve yet to find my niche in the blog world rather than simply linking all over the place. Its one thing that bothers the crap out of me – linking to news bits all over the place.
I like to share things I find, but it seems like that’s most of the posts I’ve got here. has a lot of great ideas for focusing on blogging and developing your own style, but I’ve yet to have the time to really dig into all the content Darren has.
Aug 14, 2006 | blog
Man has it been a crazy busy summer, with work draining most of my energy. So, I’ve not had a lot of time to devote to blogging, and its bothering me. For the past year or more, I’ve really enjoyed following my favorite technology topics, expanding my RSS list with new and interesting blogs on a varied range of topics.
But something happened in June/July – something I was trying not to let happen. Work took control; I’ve let my job get the better of me this summer, and its not fun. I mean, my family and I have not been able to get away, I’m on my computer every night, I feel like I’ll never catch up.
Yeah, sure I’ve taken on a lot of new tasks and responsibilities, but its starting to get a little long in the tooth. Where is the time for relaxation and family. The amount of new things I’ve learned and am learning is great, but now there is got to be time for other pursuits.
My family and I will be moving out of the city to a smaller town in September, and I hope to star taking advantage of living out a bit. The slower pace and simpler lifestyle will help to unplug. One of the reasons is to simply enjoy being out in the country again – both my wife and I grew up in small farm communities, and we’re looking forward to get back to that kind of atmosphere.
Sorry for the diary-style post, its been a frustrating summer, and it isn’t over yet. More later ~ Rick.
Aug 14, 2006 | blog
Hey! If you blog, I feel you need to try out Windows Live Writer.
Microsoft has IMO, a killer offline blogging tool. It does everything I wanted in an offline editor, and the tie-in to the Windows Live Toolbar is incredible.
WLW works with WordPress, Blogger, Moveable Type, and LiveJournal in addition to Windows Live Spaces. The functionality is at the right level, and allows you to preview, create drafts, store drafts online/offline, and work with pictures, maps, fonts, and colors right in the interface.
It also has my most desired feature – a spell checker built right in. While still in beta, it feels like a shipping product, and I’ve covered only a fraction of the features of this great freebie from MS.
For more information check out the links below.
Posted using Windows Live Writer!