Jan 23, 2007 | blog
I pulled the trigger this evening and upgraded my blog to WordPress 2.1, which you can download here. Along with a reported 550+ bug fixes, there are several new features built into the new version – some listed below.
- Autosave makes sure you never lose a post again.
- Our new tabbed editor allows you to switch between WYSIWYG and code editing instantly while writing a post.
- The lossless XML import and export makes it easy for you to move your content between WordPress blogs.
- Our completely redone visual editor also now includes spell checking.
- New search engine privacy option allows you take you to indicate your blog shouldn’t ping or be indexed by search engines like Google.
- You can set any “page†to be the front page of your site, and put the latest posts somewhere else, making it much easier to use WordPress as a content management system.
- Much more efficient database code, faster than previous versions. Domas Mituzas from MySQL went over all our queries with a fine-toothed comb.
- Links in your blogroll now support sub-categories and you can add categories on the fly.
- Redesigned login screen from the Shuttle project.
- More AJAX to make custom fields, moderation, deletions, and more all faster. My favorite is the comments page, which new lets you approve or unapprove things instantly.
- Pages can now be drafts, or private.
- Our admin has been refreshed to load faster and be more visually consistent.
- The dashboard now instantly and brings RSS feeds asynchronously in the background.
- Comment feeds now include all the comments, not just the last 10.
- Better internationalization and support for right-to-left languages.
- The upload manager lets you easily manage all your uploads pictures, video, and audio.
- A new version of the Akismet plugin is bundled.
Technorati tags: WordPress 2.1, WordPress Upgrade
Jan 15, 2007 | blog
So, I’ve found the Pocket SharpMT mobile blogging client for Pocket PC. I’ve been on the hunt for an offline blogging client that I could use from my PPC for some time.
I’m not sure how I’ll incorporate this into my blogging schedule, as I like to see how everything looks on a PC’s screen before publishing a post. Probably I’ll write drafts as I’m on the go, and then publish them after polishing them up a bit later on.
Of course, the ability to have a quick method for creating and posting is a great improvement over needing to write posts in Pocket IE on my WordPress admin site – it never goes well, and always skews what it looks like until I get back to a PC. It also takes way too long in PIE, mostly because PIE is a piece of … you know what.
Jan 10, 2007 | blog
Hi all!
If you’re reading this on the web, you’ve noticed a new look & feel for my blog here. What I was going after was a cleaner “white space” look with a changing header graphic.
The new theme is “Water3” by The Undersigned which is a variation of his standard, dual column “Water” theme. I’ve created some custom header graphic images from my own photo stocks (can you tell which ones are from my phone?) to cycle through, and will probably add/change them during the course of the year.
Hope this theme is easy to read, I really enjoy the cleaner appearance than the last theme. The last theme was nice because of really good use of the screen space, the center column had a lot of space for text and graphics.
So, be patient with me as I’ve got a little bit of tweaking to do on the CSS for bullets, and some script code to add for social networking links. I’m also interested in opinions on the new look – let me know what you think!
Jan 9, 2007 | blog
Robert Scoble has been busy video blogging CES to good effect. Glad to see him focusing on something other than John Edwards for awhile.
Via: Scobleizer – BlogHausing 2
Jan 8, 2007 | blog
I have to admit that I’m learning a lot from posts like this one from Tony Hung. Bloggers like Tony, Darren Rowse, and Mathew Ingram can be inspirational at times, and they certainly have some great advice.
I’ve been having a terrible case of Bloggers Block for the last month or more, and Tony’s post is helpful to get me past a little bit of it at least. So I want to thank him for his freely given advice, and to Mathew for recognizing it and giving a shout-out to him.
Thanks guys!
Via: Mathew Ingram – Tony Hung fills in at Problogger