Windows Live Writer 2.0 beta

Windows Live Writer beta A new version of Windows Live Writer is available for download.  Have just installed it, I’ll be reporting issues as I find them – my one wish that wasn’t included in this release is support for XHTML so WLW is just as messy with HTML as all Microsoft products.  Yuck on that front, but I’m hoping that it’ll be included in future releases.

I’ll post more once I’ve worked with it, and yes this is my first post with WLW2.

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Why I Blog

Rick Mahn So many times when I was in the corporate world, several co-workers and associates would tease me about my blog. Or mention as a point of humor about how you can Google my name and all the results are about me. For quite awhile I didn’t really know how to answer these folks or how best to describe why I blogged.

What I’ve figured out is that most people are still afraid of the Internet. More specifically, that their personal information may get distributed on the Internet. The reality of course is that for a small fee, anyone can get all the background information we want or need on anyone else.

The hardest part for me was to overcome my fear of having the world know who I am. I had gotten past that stumbling block before I consciously knew it – seriously, if you go back and read my two early blogs (I don’t count MSN Spaces), you’ll see that I really hadn’t an idea of what I was getting into.

So here are some reasons I blog:

  • My personal space on the global stage
  • A platform for voicing my opinions, viewpoints, ideas, thoughts
  • A place to get feedback from anyone in the world (I don’t delete negative comments – only inappropriate ones)
  • A place where people can always find me – from new contacts to old friends (my email address and phone number are always here)
  • A portal into everything that I am – from here you can find my resume, my consulting company, my online professional links, my social networks and more
  • A permanent place for all the search engines to find me (yes I want that)

At any rate, the main thing I’ve learned is that you can’t be afraid of people learning who you are. With a blog, you have some control of that, you have the ability to craft your personal brand which is much more than just your reputation.

Ziki - be visibleBy the way, today I found another tool to promote myself (or yourself – way wait?), called Ziki that is kind of an online self-promotion aggregator. It looks like a fairly interesting site for combining your important online bits and getting them rated higher in Google, Yahoo, and MSN.

Working my last week with my employer

Sorry to not have posted for so long, but I’ve been extremely busy getting things arranged for me to leave my current employer. Surprising how much hard work is involved in preparing your own transition out of a company. So its not a big surprise any longer, I’m in the transition phase working to hand off a number of technologies, systems ownership, and knowledge as smoothly as possible.

I’ve been fortunate to work with a group of real pros, and so, transferring responsibility and such has been fairly simple in many cases. There is still much to do, and it is taking more of my day than before I contemplated leaving the company – strange irony to it I suppose.

Anyway, I’ll be trying to catch up on some topics and address the launch of my consulting web site all this week. Hopefully I’ll have something to post about here as I get the work done. Again, sorry for the intermittent posting this month!


Looking for feedback on The Mobile Lifestyle

So I’ve had this blog called The Mobile Lifestyle running for a year, and have really not kept it up to date at all.  I originally wanted this site to become a leading source for information on mobile technology & how it affects us day to day.

Guess what?  It never happened.  It was simply because I never committed the time and energy to developing it in that fashion.  Another fact of life is that there are people who are much more passionate and knowledgeable about such topics than I am.  Don’t get me wrong, I really, really, enjoy using and talking about mobile tech, and recommending solutions to people, but writing about it just didn’t interest me as much as I had thought it would.

So I have this dilemma – I have this site with a fairly good (really good?) domain name that could be made into something.  Do I look to sell it?  Do I hang on and try writing more there as I begin the next phase of my career as an IT consultant?  Do I shut it down and keep the domain name for awhile?

I’m just not sure – I hate to quit it, but am really starting to home in on my true passions, and it isn’t necessarily technology.

What do you think?

Out for Lunch – Exercising Mobile Kit

I’m sitting at Starbucks having a Venti Mocha Frappuccino, yes a quad-shot, and working online with my MDA based mobile kit. I know I keep threatening to post a picture of what I use as my micro-mobile kit – I promise to try and get that posted befor my trip next week.
On other topics, I’ve been working the Avatar Consultants site over the weekend and have Joomla live on the site now. There is quite a bit of work to go before it’s fully up to speed, but the base platform is up and running. More later.
Also, I’ve got a small lead on a consulting gig with a small company in the northern suburbs of MPLS here – may be a good launchpad for AC, or it may amount to nothing either. We’ll see.
As I use my “micro-mobile” kit, I am getting more and more enamored by it – small, light and addresses about 85% or better of what I need to do online. It was a great move last year to move everything to web-based services. Working very well when mobile!
Well, more updates later! 🙂

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