So, what do I do when I don’t blog?

Glad you asked! I don’t know, guess it’s a lot of things. Work is one of them, and my current contract certainly eats up the business hours.  Sure, the real job takes up the majority of the time in my day and week, but I’ve found more. I’m spending more time doing the things I forgot I liked to do.

And that is a key component to recharging and taking next steps I suppose. There’s lots of opportunities for people that they never seem to recognize for what they are. Until a couple years ago, I spent most of my career doing just that – not recognizing opportunity after opportunity waltzing past without my realizing it.

So far, this year has been amazing on so many fronts, that I’ve found more opportunities offline because of online efforts.  These chances to do new things, combined with more time spent with my family have meant that I spend less time writing and posting on my blog here. That doesn’t mean that I’ve abandoned it by any stretch, but it does mean that I’ve not spent much time developing content and sharing ideas or new things.

I just wanted to take a minute when I seem to have a few extra and simply say “Hi!” to all the folks I don’t get a chance to chat with very often of late. I’ll be around the ‘net working on a number of different things, but hope to get a chance to sit over virtual coffee and catch up with many of you soon.

June Catch Up

'Manu Script' by kevinzim As it happens to me a few times a year, work & life take precedence over blogging.  It’s a frustrating experience as it usually happens when I am in the middle of pulling a lot of ideas together.

At any rate, I have realized something this time around.  I spend more time blogging when I don’t have much exciting things going on. Or looked at another way, I blog a lot less when I’m spending more quality time with family, friends, and making social media things happen in the real world.

Right now, I’ve been so involved with the transition from one client to another that I haven’t made a priority to talk about things here. There’s enough happening out in the real world, that I’m struggling to get back and talk about things here. To me, that’s doubly bad because I have a lot to talk about with you, and had just redesigned the blog to accommodate a lot more of these topics.

I’ve found there are a couple page to finish up here as well, to finish the refocus of things I learned at SOBCon08. Speaking of SOBCon, there were so many new learning’s for so many people coming out of that one event that it amazes me still, two months later. Start planning to attend next year folks, that’s all I can say.

Well, I’ve got a number of posts and post ideas in the works, and will be working on those and many other things. Hopefully I’ll have a few interesting pieces to share soon.  Thanks your for patience – we’ll see you around the ‘net.

Photo credit: kevinzim

Blogging – New Phase, New Theme

'arrow up' by Leo Reynolds Wow, what a wild ride the last few months have been.  I’ve been planning to refine the direction of my blog and revamp the appearance for some time and it’s finally completed!

Well, it’s almost completed – I’ve got a replacement for the About page almost ready to publish, and I’ve got one last page that I’ll add a little later.  Seems I just can’t get it to come out quite right in the past week while working on other things – so I’ll get to that real soon.


The great part is that I’m refining my direction.  Since I’ve come out of corporate, with a strong background in information technology, I’m going to focus on helping those organizations with social media.  I’ve changed the description of the blog to "social web & the enterprise".  I believe that to better describe the direction that I’m going. 


First, I really respect a number of bloggers for their work & influence on me.  So, instead of the old blogroll, or a list of links, I created a new Friends page.  This page is people I have come to know, respect, learn from, work with, and I wanted to do more than just link to them.  You’ll find a description of each blog and a thumbnail of their landing page.


Also page that can now be found in the top navigation area is the Resume page.  I’ve had a variant of this Social Media Resume up for about 9 months, but never advertised it on the blog.  I’ve revamped a number of pieces of the page as it used to be a completely custom HTML page forced into a WordPress theme template.  Now it fully fits the theme, with a special resume.php template that allows different sidebars and such.  Much better.  I’ve pulled the video that I had on it, but will replace it with another one to fit the direction of the blog shortly.


You’ll also notice that all advertising save two things have been removed from the blog.  While I make enough to pay for hosting, I believe that the ads detracted from what I’m here to accomplish, so they’re gone.  The two items I mentioned that remain are badges for Personal Branding Magazine, and for Avatar Consultants.  Their of personal interest to me, I’m involved in writing for one, and the other is my consulting firm.

Nowhere But Up

So if the picture in this post didn’t give a hint, my motto as I revise my direction and enter a new phase, is that there is nowhere to go but up.  Join me as we bring the benefits of the social web to organizations of all sizes.  Come along and help individuals realize the power and strength of their brand.  Let’s make each day the best it can be!

I want to give a special thank you to Mykl Roventine for patience, ideas, and a great design – I wouldn’t have gotten this completed without his work.  Thank you.

Got feedback?  I bet!  Don’t hesitate to leave your thoughts in a comment below.

Photo credit: Leo Reynolds

Upgraded WordPress…

The upgrade went quick and easy as usual.  WordPress is truely a great blogging platform – the quality and flexibility built into the product never stops impressing me.

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