How to enable Windows Mobile Device Center Beta 3 with Windows Live OneCare 1.5 Beta

Windows VistaA big thank-you to Kevin Tofel over on jkOnTheRun for posting this fix for teh Windows Live OneCare 1.5 Beta.

You see, when you run the latest beta of Windows Live OneCare 1.5 with the latest beta of Windows Mobile Device Center, the firewall will block the synchronization ports and application.  The following firewall settings can be manually entered into the Windows Live OneCare firewall to allow Windows Mobile devices to once again synchronize with Windows Vista.

As the self-proclaimed “King of Google Search”, I quickly got the lowdown on the reason why with this thread over at the OneCare forums of all places. Seems as though the Windows Live OneCare 1.5 Beta is overly protective and I had to configure the Firewall with some additional port openings. I also added two of the WMDC executables and one .dll to the OneCare Allowed programs. If you’re a risk taker too, here’s what you need to do:

Configure these ports in the OneCare Firewall settings:

  • port990: open inbound TCP
  • port999: open inbound TCP
  • port5678: open inbound TCP
  • port5679: open outbound UDP
  • port5721: open inbound TCP
  • port26675: open inbound TCP

Allow these files in OneCare:

  • C:WindowsWindowsMobilewmdc.exe
  • C:WindowsWindowsMobilewmdHost.exe
  • C:WindowsWindowsMobilewmdsyncman.dll

These settings worked for my installation and got my MDA syncing again.  Thank you Kevin!

jkOnTheRun: Windows Mobile Device center not playing nice with Windows Live OneCare 1.5?

Updated Windows Live Writer Beta!

The Windows Live Writer team has issued an updated beta that fixes a few issues and provides a flexible new tagging option.  Here is a summary of the changes in the latest beta:

  • Tagging support
  • Support for Blogger Beta
  • Categories are sorted by name and support scrolling, plus improved support for reading categories from your blog
  • Improved startup performance
  • Paste is enabled for Title region and TAB/SHIFT+TAB navigation between title and body supported
  • Insert hyperlink added to context menu when text is selected
  • Title attribute in Insert Link dialog
  • Custom date support for Community Server
  • Improved keyboard shortcuts for switching views
  • Change spell-check shortcut key to F7
  • Add ‘png’ to insert image dialog file type filter
  • More robust image posting to Live Spaces
  • Improved style detection for blogs
  • Fixed issues with pasting URLs and links
  • Remember last window size and position when opening a new post
  • Open post dialog retrieves more than 25 old posts

I’m working on customizing the tagging option for Technorati as shown in the tags below.  You have the ability to edit the HTML code for the tags – looks good so far!

Check out the Windows Live Writer space for more details.

Technorati Logo (Small) Technorati tags: ,

Back in Beta

Well, I’ve finally found a few hours laying around to plop the latest beta code on my machine – yet again.  What have we got this time?  The usual Vista and Office 2007, etc…

Initial observations seem to back up what I’ve been hearing about performance.  Stability on Beta 2 of Vista & Office was not a problem for me, but performance was.

Vista RC1 and Office 2007 B2TR are comperable in performance to a freshly installed Windows XP & Office 2003 setup.  So I’ll be continueing to install my usual cadre of software and continue working away.

I fully expect to be able to run this software stack until the final releases are available.  Hopefully that’ll mean a new laptop for yours truely, but I’m not going to hold my breath.

Looks good so far – kudos Microsoft!

Finally – Windows Vista RC1 Customer Preview Program

Windows Vista LogoHave you been waiting for a chance to try out Windows Vista?  Missed out on the Beta 2 download?  Well, now’s your chance!

 Microsoft has opened up the Customer Preview Program for anyone to download and test Vista.  If you participated in the Windows XP CPP many years ago, this is  the same program.

The download is huge, and MSFN has some more information at the link below.

Link to MSFN – Windows Vista RC1 Available Through Customer Preview Program

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Rick Mahn
Windows Vista
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