That is an excellent question. I’ve really never blogged much about what I actually do in my day job, and I’m not sure why. It’s something I’ve been doing for over 15 years, and yet I haven’t really talked much about it in this space.
You may have found a brief overview on my About page, but it doesn’t really hit the day to day items that I get involved in. I’ve recently realized that without a good picture of my daily routine, its hard for anyone to really take my perspectives and professional advice seriously.
Part of the reason that I haven’t blogged about my day job is because I take very seriously, the public image, integrity and intellectual property of my employer. However, that does not stop me from talking about the technical and personal triumphs and setbacks that everyone experiences in their professional life.
So starting this week, I’m going to be putting those experiences and thoughts here on the blog for all to read. There are many times I’ve had items I wished I could blog about, but stopped myself from doing to because I thought there was a conflict of interest. Now, after two+ full years of blogging (I had a few false starts), I’ve got the perspective on how to do this, providing interesting content here, and respecting my employer as well.
As I mentioned in a post on Friday, I’m gong to be creating a custom theme for, and will post the “development” URL when the base theme is ready to view. It’s a renewed push here to get more experience in design and layout. Feedback is welcome!