Our Disaster Recovery test starts mid-morning tomorrow and runs for 48 hours, and I’m going to try to blog as much of it as I can. What I plan to record here are my experiences, observations, and opinions.
In addition to me blogging DR, we created a DR Blog for the team. Suffice it to say, we will be running the “DR Blog” as proof-of-concept, and will review the usefulness at a later date. Future endeavors will be determined by the positive/negative feedback that this last-minute “test” will provide. As our DR Team blog is unique to this test and is proprietary to my employer, I’ll not post the URL here, but I will blog here about that blogging exercise and my opinions of it.
To me this is a huge step for our IT team, its the first time we have used blogging for a specific purpose, and the neat thing about it is that it was able to be put into play with a suggestion and 30 minutes of effort on my part to set it up on one of my own blogging accounts out on the ‘net.
That really underlines the impact of a blog. You can set one up in minutes, and get an entire team organized and ready to provide feedback, take notes, record problems & resolution, communicate status, share jokes, ask questions… the list of course is infinite, only confined by ones creativity.
More to come…