Site icon Rick Mahn

New theme and layout

Hi all!

If you’re reading this on the web, you’ve noticed a new look & feel for my blog here.  What I was going after was a cleaner “white space” look with a changing header graphic.

The new theme is “Water3” by The Undersigned which is a variation of his standard, dual column “Water” theme.  I’ve created some custom header graphic images from my own photo stocks (can you tell which ones are from my phone?) to cycle through, and will probably add/change them during the course of the year.

Hope this theme is easy to read, I really enjoy the cleaner appearance than the last theme.  The last theme was nice because of really good use of the screen space, the center column had a lot of space for text and graphics.

So, be patient with me as I’ve got a little bit of tweaking to do on the  CSS for bullets, and some script code to add for social networking links.  I’m also interested in opinions on the new look – let me know what you think!

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