Another major vendor announcing the availability of shipping Flash-HDD equipped tablet/notebook PCs. I could really go for one of those P1610’s that Fujitsu has. 🙂
Interesting critique by Om Malik on the quality of VoIP – by the carriers that is. Yes we all know the quality issues on your Broadband based Vonage/Skype service. But what about Sprint, AT&T, MCI, etc..? They have been providing voice service on POTS
Another new UMPC this spring – can’t wait to read more about this little beauty!
While I’ve only read a little on this new product from Adobe, the basic concept sounds incredibly useful. This is the component the mobile web needs to compete with fat clients.
More Google Reader customizations. Makes it interesting for getting GReader content onto your blog.
Seems like Adobe either wants more licensing revenue, is having issues updating the current products to be Vista compatible, or simply are more interested in coding the new versions. At any rate, it’s a pain for existing Adobe users.
Lots of mashup action going on lately. From corporate uses to the frivolous.