Gotta Be Mobile’s Warner Crocker talks about the inconsistencies of DVD playback in Vista. Some ship with codecs, others don’t – and the versions that do may not be compatible with 3rd party DVD software at this time. Good read.
Read/Write Web asks a good question of whether Google Office Premier is the tipping point of online office suites. Of course, this is really a question of perception more than anything else. Their offering is usable, compelling and affordable. But does
Steve Rubel give some great examples of how to leverage GMail for more than just email. Use it as your own personal database! Really great information – thanks Steve!
Lifehacker once again digs up a great post – this time over at the Google Operating System blog that details more uses of the Google Toolbar.
Ah, the big companies are starting their Enterprise 2.0 propaganda. Some will succeed in getting it right, others won’t. It’ll be interesting as an analyst to watch the fireworks and see what solutions really are usable for the average company.
Another piece on media disruption, blogging, and other non-traditional influences on the publishing and movie industry. Mathew Ingram always has a great informative perspective – recommended reading.